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How does Ozone Water Treatment work?

  • Ozone, a naturally occurring gas found in the earth's atmosphere, is one of nature's strongest oxidizers. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer in the upper atmosphere. However, it plays an important role here as it filters the sun's ultraviolet radiation and protects the earth from any harmful radiation. Ozone water treatment can be used both in commercial settings and at home. You will find out more about ozone water treatments, including how they work and whether it is right for your needs.

    What is ozone water treatment and how does it work?

    Ozone water treatment reduces contaminants by using ozone's high oxidative strength. Ozone is an oxygenant. This means that it reacts with other substances to accept their electrons. Iron, for example, is made rust when it is oxidized. The creation of ozone using an ozone generator is the first step in ozone water treatment. After that, ozone is injected directly into the water and immediately begins to oxidize and eliminate contaminants such as bacteria and viruses.

    Ozone can oxidize organic material in bacteria, viruses, parasites' membranes. Ozone oxidizes organic material in the membranes of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. This causes them to weaken, rupture, and kill their cells, eliminating any potential contaminants. Ozone also oxidizes iron, manganese, and copper into solid particles that can be easily filtered from water by mechanical filtration or certain activated carbon filters. Ozone water treatment systems can remove turbidity, bad tastes, and odors from water by oxidation.


    What is the process of ozone water treatment?


    Ozone water treatment works by dissolving ozone into the water and through the ensuing oxidation of bacteria and other waterborne pathogens. It is important to understand the basics of how ozone is made before you can better understand the process. Ozone is made from oxygen. Ozone molecules contain three oxygen atoms, while oxygen molecules have two oxygen atoms. The energy of electricity and ultraviolet light that passes through air splits oxygen molecules into two different oxygen atoms. These oxygen atoms are then combined with other oxygen molecules to create ozone. The protective layer of ozone is formed when oxygen and sunlight react in the upper atmosphere. Ozone is formed closer to the surface when electricity and lightning strike oxygen-rich air. These processes can be replicated in electrical and ultraviolet ozonator which allow for ozone water treatment. Although there are other methods of producing ozone, the most popular for water treatment is UV and electrical ozone generation.

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