McCain’s View of her role as HRM
Brenda McCain is the human resource manager (HRM) at Harrison Brothers and she has quite an informed view of that role. For one, being at the helm of the human resources department, she perceives herself as being in charge of oversight of all the procedures and processes in the company. As such, she holds herself responsible for the organization of all staffing procedures, in addition to interviewing all prospective employees to ensure that only the best-qualified people are hired. In addition, she carries out the role of monitoring employee performance to ensure that each of them acts accordingly and, similarly receives the proper treatment within the firm. This proves that she has the right understanding of her role since these roles are in accordance with the description of what the job description of HRM is as defined by Armstrong & Taylor.
Harrison Brothers Business Strategy
Harrison Brothers has had some strategies that it has maintained over its century of existence. Notable among these is the specialization, only targeting the fashion-conscious, middle-class buyers in Northeastern America. The maintenance of a small corporate office completes the attribute of an industrial organization approach business strategy, which is centrally focused on maximizing profits with the assumption of rationality. The company’s strategy has been evolving and currently, the business model developed by CEO, James Harrison, follows the following strategic goals:
Structure and staffing in the HR department
Harrison Brothers maintains a highly centralized company structure. The primary characteristic of this structure is that the top management retains most of the decision-making power. This is evident in the role definition of the HRM. The staff includes the HRM, her two assistant managers, the trainer, and the payroll clerk. This, according to the operations manager, reflects severe understaffing.
Exhibit 1.4 Data Analysis
The data in Exhibit 1.4 reveals that the concerns of the store managers exceed those of the HRM. In the same vein, the store managers register more concern about the daily operations as well as ensuring the proper training of their staff members than the HRM does. This has a negative implication on the entire company’s performance. For one, this indifference over the training of employees implies that they are not concerned over the level of knowledge of the employees. This is unhealthy since they are in charge of developing the personnel as well as hiring, and without this, the company’s performance runs the risk of stagnation since, as Armstrong & Taylor note, personnel development is central to company performance.
Problems and prospective solutions
Given the company’s size and strategic objectives, the human resources is understaffed. The goals of building up undeveloped sectors and aggressive investment will require more staff. Moreover, the indifference of HRM over staff training also poses problems, since computer systems require continuous to stay up to date. The proposed solutions include hiring more staff as well as the institution of mandatory training schedules that ensure continuous training of staff, more so the staff dealing with computer systems.
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