How Cincinnati Bengals cheerleaders keep butt firm and tight Video
For anyone who believes the orange and black are just dancing ditzy,
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As a former Cincinnati Bengals supporter, Fitness model and lifestyle change expert, Brooke Griffin has provided counsel to a number of NFL top cheerleader clubs. Motivated by her passion for personal sports and physical eduction, Brooke helped shed light onto the physical and mental training challenges most faced by her clients.
Brooke Griffin: The greatest challenge is keeping the midsection of the body toned and keeping glutes firm and tight! For every supporter and dancer, Comes the pressure to look great wearing tiny skirts and a cropped uniform top every weekend Sometimes more often depending on public appearances and game schedules. It not as if they can get ready for one event and then slack off. It 24 7 while in the season.
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What's the top challenge you face with most of your clients and how should you tackle it?
BG: The most typical issue I hear is"How do I get ab def and a flat tummy? I hear this most often probably due to upon uniform in play. With unveiling outfits coming on at game time, My answer is usually about taking bad food off their menu.
It always ends up being about vitamins and minerals. What I find in most of my clients isn an issue with exercise,
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How do you re teach your NFL supporter clients to eat right?
BG: First, I find out what they are meals. Normally, this is the problem and usually the secret to unlocking a great body. I make sure all of my clients are eating 4 6 small meals a day with a serving of lean protein at these meals. As expected, Limiting processed carbs like candy, Wood debris,
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Where are most of your clients naturally strong in their total body fitness programs?
BG: Mostly NFL cheerleaders, They are learning several days a week already. They are a master at intense cardio and high concentration, Interval training workouts. Most of them are already incorporating the recommended amount of cardio per day to drop the weight and in the case of most clubs, They overall disease before or after practice as well. This usually incorporates weight training or functional resistance training.
Where are most of your NFL cheerleaders weakest in their total body fitness strategies?
BG: I usually find where I can help the most is in the diet and nutrient category. Most of the girls are checking up on full time jobs in addition to their cheerleading programs and fitting substantial, Sensible food into the playbook is sometimes a struggle.
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This isn specific to NFL cheerleaders and applies to nearly all women as well. They are either eating a lot of wrong foods or,
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What your top suggestion for home alarm systems clients back on track?
BG: I start off by asking them to keep an honest record of what they've been eating over a three day period. This not only gives me helpful insight but allows whomever to self analyze what they feeding their body. Along with source of nourishment education, I then will cause them to become keep a food journal writing down what they eat on a new, Individualized program. This keeps responsibility strong and helps with a clear cut focus.
And what continuously your biggest myth buster?
BG: Convincing girls plants EAT is challenging. The biggest belief and demotivating mind block out there is women tend to think less calories consumed equals more weight loss. Nothing could be more mistaken.
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The less ones body consumes or is starved for food, The slower one's metabolism gets and the more fat is stored. The best thing that I can give my clients is this I want clients that I train to eat and eat often. Consecutively, They be able to fuel and prepare their bodies for hard work and achievement.
How are you feeling about critics who believe NFL cheerleaders don work hard and just pretty
BG: Loonie! I get so upset after hear this! I think NFL Cheerleaders are most of the hardest working women around and I can speak for all of them. My clients have not been cheerleaders. I have caused amazing women who have valuable, Daily jobs as mothers, Clinical practitioners, Dental consultants, Trainers, And university. Aside from what they do, They practice and perform anywhere from 10 20 hours per week in a myriad of varying weather condotions Whether it hot, Freezing weather, Raining or freezing out. Plus the fact, All dance and cheerleader companies require their team members devote charitable hours outside of their training to work or volunteer.
Brooke Griffin is a former NFL cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals and has worked with their organization along with other NFL cheerleader clubs like gambling, Gambling, Metro smyrna Falcons, And the gambling.