Turn a TI Graphing loan finance car loan car finance car loans online car loan calculator into an Intervalometer and Create Time Lapse Videos
I've always aspired to make time lapse videos,
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Here's did you know the parts you need:A TI graphing loan finance car loan car finance car loans online car loan calculator I'm using the TI 83+. It has a 2.5mm socket useful to connect to the calculator.
I identified what the 3 pins from you do: Connecting 2 makes you focus, Devices all 3 takes a shot(Just hold them completely to try);
I soldered the two wires that make the digital camera focus to the thick(The layer) Wire through the 2.5 jack that is attached to the Ti 83(So 3 wires assembled). The camera stays focused each time now;
Next I soldered the red wire your 2.5 jack of the Ti 83 to the 'shutter release' wire of you;
The white wire your own 2.5mm from the Ti 83 is unused / has no operate.
I also tried with 3 independent wires,
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The only thing I'm concerned about now is that the camera is focused all the time. I only put it to use in manual focus mode,
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