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  • Autism in boys hyperknown to cause missing gene on X It has long been recognized that Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) Affects four times more males than women of all ages. Are expected by law out of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health(CAMH) And a healthcare facility for Sick Children(SickKids), Both in higher toronto,Oakley Outlet Store Locations, Canada have indicated that males who carry specific alterations of DNA on the sole X chromosome they carry are at high risk of developing ASD. The analysis, Published in the sept 15 issue of Science Translational Medicine, "Found that about one per cent of boys with ASD had strains in the PTCHD1 gene on the X chromosome. Similar variations were not found in thousands of male controls. Way too, Sisters carrying the same mutation are seemingly untouched,Oakley Sunglasses For Sale Online, Doctor. Diane B. Our discovery will expedite early detection, Can,Oakley Wholesale, Successively,Cheap Fake Oakley Sunglasses, Increase the odds of successful interventions,Oakley Sunglasses Canada, Since girls have two X chromosomes,? nstead of one as males, The effects of a missing copy of PTCHD1 may be compensated for by the functional gene on the other X chromosome. Females having this mutation, Anyhow, Could pass on the defective X chromosome resulting in the look off autism in male descendants. Anne could be the Philadelphia Biology Examiner. If you crave something from this town of Brotherly Love, She won't deliver a cheesesteak or a soft pretzel, But research her local column at, 相关的主题文章: