About Nike costumes
Always on your July 27 in Beijing, While using report of the Economic Voice, Although the London olympics just opened, Complications never came in singly. After the designing Committee of the Women's Football mistakenly the South Korean flag as the North Korean flag, And then the Egyptian delegation wore the fake Nike appeared on the race course of the olympics. When folks saw the Nike Logo matched with the Adidas zip, These people were greatly shocked. Nike issued a warning letter to the Egyptian Olympic panel, But the consequence was not obvious. Many people felt puzzled that it should be the obligation of the International Olympic Committee(IOC), But what was why it did not took it in charge.
In Olympic Village, Over one hundred Egyptian athletes as well as Olympic officials were inside and outside. An"Copycat world" Wearables, Notwithstanding, Surprised people a lot. On the twitting, What is more, Khalaf who was a player of the synchronized swimming that it was untruthfulness and shameful to put on such clothes. Aside from that, Nike was angrier versus the Egyptian team. The reply that Nike in China given was that Nike did not need such kind of clothes,
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The Egyptian Olympic Committee showed prejudice to this thing. The Committee insisted these types of clothes were bought through formal channels with 300 dollars per person, And it assumed the attitude which wanted Nike to send them such a gift. ZhaoZhen was a senior sport media people, And it was said by him that the Egyptian Olympic panel(IOC) Was a little time. It was indicated by ZhaoZhen that there was a affectionate to the political situation,
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Beijing Expo deputy gm called Zhang Zhenpeng has ever worked in the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee. It was said by him that there was partner plan of the IOC in every country, And some brands were comprised,
Cheap Oakley Radar Sunglasses Uk, Together with Adidas, Coca Cola and straight talk, And in its competition terrain, The IOC will regard these brands as key defenses. It was said by Zhang Zhenpeng that this sponsorship system is one of the International Olympic Committee(IOC). This system had mature and also protection methods. It was needed for our volunteers as well as personnel workers to put on Adidas. Our eating out rooms all used McDonald and water all used Coca Cola. We can not use the brand of violence, And it was hopeless to use Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pepsi.
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