New Hair Loss Protocol is an alopecia treatment created by Dr. Blount and Jared Gates who claims it to be a natural cure for baldness.

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding Hair Loss Protocol by Jared Gates and Dr. Blount who revealed that their alopecia treatment can cure baldness naturally. Over 90 thousand people have already used this innovative hair loss protocol and, according to many testimonials, the results people are getting after using this natural alopecia treatment are amazing.
Jared Gates developed Hair Loss Protocol treatment together with hair restoration expert Dr. Blount. Many doctors believe, that alopecia is often related to hormonal imbalance. Jared Gates and Dr. Blount discovered, that DHT (dihydrotestosterone) also plays a major role in hair loss (alopecia) in both men and women. Most drugs and hair loss treatments don't focus on DHT and that is the main reason why they are usually quite ineffective in the treatment of baldness.
Hair loss is not a life-threatening health condition, but it is a very unpleasant one. Many people believe, that baldness can only occur in men, but recent studies suggest, that one in three women over the age of 25 suffers from hair loss. There are very few ways to deal with hair loss: either to undergo a surgery or to get a hormonal treatment for alopecia. Those options are usually very expensive, may cause serious side effects and considered to be quite ineffective by many doctors.
Hair Loss Protocol is a completely natural alopecia treatment that doesn't require the use of any medications and expensive baldness treatments. Jared Gates and Dr. Blount reveal that Hair Loss Protocol focuses on destroying 5-alpha-reductase (enzyme that causes the production of DHT in human body) naturally, which stops
hair loss and stimulates hair regrowth.
Hair Loss Protocol shows how to naturally reverse hair loss. According to Jared Gates, healthy lifestyle and certain diet can cure baldness. Hair Loss Protocol reveals, how certain mineral, vitamins, foods and herbs can stop hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth. It may take several weeks or more to stop hair loss completely when using Hair Loss Protocol, but many people see the first results within couple weeks.
Hair Loss Protocol comes in a form of an eBook, which is very convenient, because it can be used anytime and anywhere. Hair Loss Protocol is designed for both men and women and has no age restrictions. It is safe to say, that Hair Loss Protocol is the most effective natural hair loss treatment on the market today. It is also very affordable compared to hair loss medications and alopecia treatments. Hair Loss Protocol comes with a 60-day no questions asked money back guarantee. Many people have reported that not only Hair Loss Protocol helped them cure baldness, but it also improved their overall health.