Recent hair loss studies suggest that there is a way to treat alopecia naturally. Hair Loss Protocol developed by Dr. Blount and Jared Gates claims, that it can help cure baldness in men and women and stimulate hair regrowth without the use of any medications.
Hair Loss Protocol has received a lot of media attention recently. It was created by two hair loss experts - Dr. Blount and Jared Gates. It is reported, that more than 90 thousand people have already used Hair Loss Protocol and achieved great results.
Many studies suggest, that hair loss is usually related to hormonal imbalance. But according to Dr. Blount and Jared Gates, alopecia is actually most often caused by a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which blocks the delivery of nutrients to hair follicles and, therefore, inhibits hair growth. One of the main reasons why most hair loss treatments and medications are quite ineffective and can't cure baldness is that they do not address the issue of DHT. Jared Gates stated, that Hair Loss Protocol focuses on lowering the levels of DHT in the body naturally by destroying the enzyme that causes the production of DHT in the body in the first place - 5-alpha-reductase.
Hair Loss Protocol is a fully natural alopecia treatment, that helps stimulate hair regrowth in both men and women of any age. Unlike most alopecia treatments,
Hair Loss Protocol has no side effects, and, moreover, it can often also help improve general health, reduce stress and relieve depression and anxiety.
Jared Gates said, that Hair Loss Protocol comes in a form of an eBook and includes a step-by-step easy to follow guide. Hair Loss Protocol explains what alopecia is and what actually causes hair loss, lists vitamins, minerals and herbs that can stop hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth and, of course, reveals a revolutionary method that, according to Dr. Blount and Jared Gates, can naturally cure baldness without the use of any hair loss medications and supplements. Hair Loss Protocol includes detailed instructions on how to combine certain vitamins and minerals (which can be found at the grocery store) in order to stop hair loss and regain hair fullness and thickness.
Hair Loss Protocol is not another "overnight miracle hair loss cure". It is based on a scientifically proven approach and takes some time to stop hair loss. Some people reported that they were able to achieve amazing results within couple weeks, while others said, that it took them several weeks to see the actual results.
Hair Loss Protocol is a great natural and very affordable alternative to traditional alopecia treatments. It is covered by a 60 days no questions asked money back guarantee. Hair Loss Protocol helps people regrow hair naturally, improve overall mental and physical health and regain their confidence.