When dealing with panic attacks, it helps to know what triggers the attacks; that in itself, can be a difficult thing to figure out. So where do you start with treating this condition? Don't fret, the information that you need to to start treating your panic attacks is listed in this article.
If a panic attack feels imminent, play soothing music to calm you down. Sit in a calm room and listens to songs you like. Pay close attention to the lyrics. By turning your mind to a distraction besides your symptoms, you will more easily calm your body and conquer the attacks.
A silly but successful way to help get through a panic attack is to place something cold, like an ice pack or frozen food, beneath your arms in your armpits. Focus on the coolness and feel it go throughout your body. I have no idea how it works, but it does!
Create your own panic attack mantra to help you get over the feelings of fear. "I am an amazing person who can deal with everything!" is mine. I like that it's short, easy to say, and I can really get into the feeling of it. Create your own and repeat it out loud to beat that attack!
Remember when you are having a panic attack the feelings that you have are normal. They are just being expressed in an exaggerated form. Do not think that you are going to die from them or they will harm you. Try your best to remain logical about the situation.
Change your environment when you feel a panic attack coming on. When you start feeling those familiar feelings, walk away and go to another location. Removing yourself from a situation might be enough to calm you down. Simply leaving the space where the panic attack began could disrupt the panic attack altogether.
Consider imagining yourself as a boxer when you have a panic attack. Create a monster in front of you that is made up of all your bad feelings and stress. Now, beat the heck out of him. Knock off his arms, legs, eyes, antennae, and every part of his body until he's nothing but a lump of goo on the ground.
If you know someone prone to panic attacks, try and be a mindful of situations that you know may trigger an attack and avoid them. If you sense your friend or loved one is about to go into a panicked stage, speak in calm tones and distract them while you casually remove them from the situation.
Reducing the stress in your life can help to decrease the frequency or severity of your panic attacks. Stress stimulates the production of adrenalin and is often directly related to a panic attack. While some stress factors are uncontrollable, others can be managed, reduced or eliminated by your
actions. For example, if you lead a busy lifestyle and have little free time in which to relax, learn how to say no to people who need favors or bosses who constantly want you to work overtime. Be polite yet assertive. Put your health before the needs of others for a change. It's not being selfish " it's being smart.
An important tip for anyone suffering from panic attacks is to remain conscious of what is actually happening when an attack strikes. Try to remember that you will be just fine, that you simply have too many neurons firing at once. By doing this you will remind yourself that you are going to be fine and the panic attack will soon pass, which will help calm you. Panic attacks can be surprising and downright scary, and this type of thinking will start to calm you down.
Try to focus on what makes you happy because when you believe in yourself you become what you believe. Over time you will be able to improve your focus on thinking positive thoughts and be able to push the negative and anxious thoughts from your mind like a strongman lifts weights.
Do not complicate the situation by adding more negative feelings and unpleasant thoughts. Try to force your mind to think about all the positive aspects in your life and the things that mean the most to you. Write them down and carry them with you, so that you can read them if your thoughts start racing.
A good way to help get the upper hand over your anxiety is to try and visit a psychologist or a psychiatrist. These medical professionals can help you understand what the root of your problem is, which can help you relax in the long run. Try this today.
So, as you have read, the main thing to know about panic attacks is what triggers them. It is also true that you need to visit a doctor to find a treatment that will work for your particular attacks. By keeping the previous article in mind, you can start feeling better in no time.
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