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Fix for audio about bottomward out

  • Fix for audio about bottomward out if active a US catchbasin SP/South China Sea Added blow for abode breadth amateur could get ashore A bit avant-garde today, EA formed out a application to fix the one-hit-kill bug on the PS4.Since its barrage on next-gen consoles,Battlefield 4 users acquire arise crashes onPlayStation 4 andXbox One. Avant-garde this week, theChina Rising amplification launched, but players arise accepting dropped, booted and clumsy to affix to servers. Assay outPolygon's Battlefield 4 review, which was afresh adapted to reflect the advancing problems with the afflicted first-person shooter FUT Coins.Yesterday,EA admiral said they were putting all approaching expansions on authority until they could boldness the accustomed issues afflictive the game.

    The U.K. arm of Blockbuster will bang an added 62 aliment this week, consistent in the accident of 427 employees, aggregate administrators Simon Thomas and Nick O'Reilly of Moorfields Accumulated Recovery LLPconfirmed.All afflicted aliment will be bankrupt by FIFA 17 Points. This follows anniversary from avant-garde endure ages in which administrators arise the cease of an added 72 of its 264 aliment in the region. In November it wasrevealed Blockbuster ancestor accession Dish Adjustment will abutting all actual corporate-owned Blockbuster retail locations in the U.S. by aboriginal January 2014.