Following the success of One Piece Film Z, the 13th movie installment announced earlier this year one piece online finally has a name and release date. One Piece Film: Gold was first announced following the broadcast of Episode Of Sabo: Bond of Three Brothers, a TV special of the One Piece anime that aired in August 22. Jack is revealed to bear the moniker, The Drought, because of the kind of calamity he brings to wherever he attacks.
This subplot will also end up dragging the Strawhat Pirates in because of Luffy's relationship with Shanks, and rivalry with Kidd. Chapter 811 will be revealed this Thursday, and some are curious if it will bring answers or more questions to fans. Kidd's alliance looks to take out Shanks and conquer his territory. The film will be directed by Hiraoki Miyamoto, assistant director for One Piece: Baron Omatsuki and the Secret Island and director of One Piece anime episodes 352-679. The game will ship in Japan on April 21. According to Design & Trend, another thing that Chapter 811 may reveal is Sanji's fate. Design & Trend reports that pre-sale tickets for One Piece Film: Gold are scheduled on December 18. As we see the Strawhats save the country, we learn that Big Mam followed the crew all the way to Zou. The Minks express their gratitude, and most of them believed they were going to perish before the crew had arrived. The PS4 version will retail for 7,600 yen about US$63 plus tax and the PS Vita version will retail for 6,800 yen about US$56 plus tax. Inuarashi together with his group withdraw to allow the King of Night genrally called as Master Cat-Viper to deal with the trespassers.
It is noted that the 1st 2016 issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine will also reveal that Eiichiro Oda will be part of the anime movie as Executive producer aside from being credited with the original work.
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