My companions NFL Coins insisted I had been unconscious since the shipwreck; however, I still retained all the items I had collected previously--a fact that unsettled both my hero and his companions.Deep breath. Clear mind.
Deep breath Cheap NFL 16 Coins. Clear mind. Deep breath. Clear mind.With all this talk of insanity and sneak-attacking zombies, I would be remiss not to mention one of my favorite aspects of the Escape Dead Island demo: photography. That's right. Escape is taking a page from Dead Rising's book by letting you snap photos of your surroundings. These photos are one of the game's many collectables and are explained away as collecting evidence against those who engineered this outbreak. You can put your own inner shutterbug to work when Escape Dead Island is released later this year on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and digitally on PC.