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polishing Diamond Wire Saw processes

  • It is also important to understand a few terms and processes which can be used to help rejuvenate and keep your tile from weakening. Most of these processes include machinery and are usually best done by a professional to ensure it is done properly without damage, like professional cleaning and stain removal, repairs to match color to repair holes and cracks, re-grouting to replace damaged or old grout, anti-slip installation and sealing, stripping and polishing Diamond Wire Saw processes. All of these can likely be attempted to some small degree by an amateur but are best left to a professional for seriously damaged or worn stone.

    Some processes involve grinding carefully at the stone in order to remove imperfections and other problems that have arisen. These should without a doubt be performed by diamond wire saw machine professional or someone who is aware of how to use the equipment. Verification involves using diamond disks or abrasive carbon pads to work across the floor to remove deep scratches, damage, pitting and slippage that can be caused by using damaging products and chemicals for cleaning the stone. Honing is when the floor is evenly sanded with a medium or fine abrasive to remove scratches and etching marks in the stone. Afterward, the flooring will appear with a matte finish and have increased traction; the process is also used regularly to restore shower floors. Scratch removal is removing individual scratches with a hand-held machine fitted with a number of graded pads largely depending on the depth of the individual scratch.