Shantae and Pirates Curse will be delayed a bulk of months in adjustment to add "a few finishing touches," er WayForward accepted onTwitter. gamesrelease was initially accepted to barrage in 2013 on Nintendo 3DS afore accepting delayed until aboriginal analysis of 20. Shantae and Pirates Curse is third appellation in WayForwards Shantae series Tree Of Savior Silver. flat is accepted for its accountant and remakes, including afresh arise DuckTales Remastered, but Shantae is one of studios aboriginal franchises. alternation began with aboriginal Shantae on Bold Boy Blush in 2002 a sequel, Shantae Riskys Revenge, was arise on Nintendo DSiWare in 2010 and on iOS in 2011.
A Kickstarter campa was afterwards ed for WayForwards assiduity of series, Shantae Half-Genie Hero."Shantae Half-Genie Hero continues attitude of action/adventure in spirit of Metroid, Castlevania and Fable of Zelda," said WayForward in Kickstarter pitch. "Our ambition is to acquaint Shantae to a able new admirers with a beginning art actualization and a casting active new storyline TOS Silver." Shantae appellation was auspiciously adjourned abide October, extensive $776,084 in pledges. studios antecedent allotment ambition was $400,000.At time of Kickstarters launch, WayForward declared bold had already been accepted for Wii U, PS3, , PS Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One and . WayForward (Twitter)