6. Ensure Privacy and Safety
Respect Privacy: Clearly state that members’ personal information should remain private. Sharing someone’s personal information without consent is a violation of privacy.
Safe Environment: Let the community know that the space is intended to be safe for everyone, and there are measures in place to ESO Gold protect members from harmful interactions.
No Personal Information Sharing: Respect the privacy of others. Do not share someone’s personal information, including their real name, address, or contact details, without their consent.
7. Set Expectations for Language and Tone
Appropriate Language: Outline the kind of language that is expected in the community. Encourage respectful, professional, and courteous language. Discourage offensive language, insults, or aggressive behavior.
Tone of Communication: Make it clear that everyone should aim to buy TESO Gold engage in discussions calmly and respectfully, even when they disagree.
Respectful Tone: Avoid using aggressive or inflammatory language. Healthy debates are encouraged, but personal attacks or inflammatory language will not be tolerated.