I'm not certain what Nexon is going to do about 50-60 training, but dungeons are optional to level up from 50-60. Hurry up to level 50 whenever possible, then you will immediately get your score to be 1500, you need it to access the main point of the match content. To get the gear score you need to perform the dungeons.Another way to get your team to reach a rating of 1500 would be to just purchase all your items in the Black Market, every blue group is 15-30k mesograms, but this is if you have enough mesograms for that and I recommend that you save your mesograms for future occasions.
And so that you may get closer to LVL's 50 dungeons.As soon as MaplestoryM Mesos you've accessed the 50 lvl dungeons, then you'll want to clear the dungeons 10 times a day to 30 times a week to get as many teams as you can. And, if you have any epics that aren't firearms you have to equip them. Until you get your epic team to improve, keep the culture dungeons.In Maplestory 2, there's not any scrolling system or it does not have exactly the same enchantment system as in GMS. (The very first game).
So what you want to do is get enough Onyx crystals and at times even Onyx Chaos crystals to improve your equipment in a fairly good amount to your base stats.There are two types of weapons improvements:The first: you get a fixed chance to pass the progress with the speed of reduction of the rate with more improvements you have.The moment: it's a 100% chance to maneuver the improvements, but it costs much more (4 times the amount required in the first way I clarified ).
Finding the materials for the enchantment is through dismantling, disenchantment, or Cheapest MapleStory Mobile Mesos whatever. Disassembling the equipment is the best way to get Onyx crystals, any other equipment which you don't need, has to be disassembled to get crystals and chaos of onyx. You can purchase onyx crystals throughout the black market in case you believe you don't have sufficient gear to dismantle.
I'm not certain what Nexon is going to do about 50-60 training, but dungeons are optional to level up from 50-60. Hurry up to level 50 whenever possible, then you will immediately get your score to be 1500, you need it to access the main point of the match content. To get the gear score you need to perform the dungeons.Another way to get your team to reach a rating of 1500 would be to just purchase all your items in the Black Market, every blue group is 15-30k mesograms, but this is if you have enough mesograms for that and I recommend that you save your mesograms for future occasions.
And so that you may get closer to LVL's 50 dungeons.As soon as MaplestoryM Mesos you've accessed the 50 lvl dungeons, then you'll want to clear the dungeons 10 times a day to 30 times a week to get as many teams as you can. And, if you have any epics that aren't firearms you have to equip them. Until you get your epic team to improve, keep the culture dungeons.In Maplestory 2, there's not any scrolling system or it does not have exactly the same enchantment system as in GMS. (The very first game).
So what you want to do is get enough Onyx crystals and at times even Onyx Chaos crystals to improve your equipment in a fairly good amount to your base stats.There are two types of weapons improvements:The first: you get a fixed chance to pass the progress with the speed of reduction of the rate with more improvements you have.The moment: it's a 100% chance to maneuver the improvements, but it costs much more (4 times the amount required in the first way I clarified ).
Finding the materials for the enchantment is through dismantling, disenchantment, or Cheapest MapleStory Mobile Mesos whatever. Disassembling the equipment is the best way to get Onyx crystals, any other equipment which you don't need, has to be disassembled to get crystals and chaos of onyx. You can purchase onyx crystals throughout the black market in case you believe you don't have sufficient gear to dismantle.