Publicado em 20 de abril de 2015
In this video I have 20 Awesome Abs Exercises for you to give you some variation for your workout.
LIKE this video & watch the last episode:
1. Elbow Plank Pikes
2. Side Crunches
3. Squat & Twist
4. Knee Tuck Crunches
5. Bicycle Crunches
6. Straight Leg Bicycle Crunches
7. Flutter Kicks
8. Reverse Crunches
9. Straight Leg Raises
10. Ball Crunches
11. Atomic Ball Crunches
12. Basic Crunches
13. Single Leg V-Ups
14. Reverse Crunch & Tuck
15. Plank Jacks
16. Toe-Touches
17. V-Ups
18. Crack The Egg
19. Cross & Crunch
20. Cable Wood Choppers
Some are harder than others, but there is definitely something for everybody. Choose a few to mix into your current workout routine and you will be on your way to sexy & toned abs in no time! REMEMBER: The best ab exercise is 5 sets of stop eating so much crap!
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