RuneScape gold could have become the bathroom if they didn't make bonds. Free trade removal because the stop gap wrecked runescape. Because credit card companies were close to banning RS buys on their cards due to each of the fraud they had no choice back then. Therefore, it was we never have transaction that is free or get bonds. I think bonds was the way to go.
You are right in your last points but bonds didn't get implemented to fight the credit card problem. That has been in 2007. If you say they'd gone to the bathroom or even for bonds, then how did they survive for all those 5 years because 2007 and became a lot more in the process? They did not go with no bonds into the bathroom till Jagex had the amounts of cash banks. In 2007 they were small.
It had been either bonds or runescape. Gold farmers used credit cards to cover tens of thousands of memberships for hots and that cash was becoming refunded through banks to the original account holders. Cause that occurred so much, banks advised Jagex that you need to type out this or we wont do transactions with you anymore cause of the high amount of theft going on between your game. They needed to do something trigger that could have murdered the method that they accept payments for membership from round the world.
The -only- reason that you have to play OSRS, and have this argument and totally miss the point I made that, is because Jagex made the decision to continue runescape without wilderness, free trade, and present bonds to combat gold farmers and stolen credit cards. That is all there is to it. Long before EOC was even introduced, Jagex did those things to maintain runescape going. OP is whining about Jagex's stance over a decade and a half ago compared to today, probably entirely unaware of those challenges Jagex faced and also the reasons they left the decisions they did.You only get to play OSRS because of MTX whether you want to buy RS gold accept that or not, since Jagex made the choice to keep runescape working with MTX and did what they needed to do to maintain vendors doing business with them. There is nothing left to argue about this fact. Goodbye.