The Gauntlet is a recently RS gold solo minigame that mixes PvM and skilling in randomly generated dungeons. Some folks may compare this to Dungeoneering in RS3, but at a much smaller scale. The concept is to collect your resources to make and upgrade equipment in Singing Bowls while collecting materials for meals and potions.While it is likely your account is decently high if you finished Song of the Elves, having max stats in battle skills, fishing, cooking, herblore, and farming will allow you to speedrun this dungeon. Speedrunning is perfect if you intend on utilizing this minigame as a means of moneymaking. Benefits include shared resources together with crystal seeds and the Blade of all Saeldor.
The most important thing to run with would be a perfected Tier 3 weapon, if you are using ranged, magical or melee.You will only require one Egniol potion to get ready for a supervisor, and a complete set of Paddlefish to mitigate any harm during the fight.The main priority would be to go in the minigame trying to obtain the very best weapon potential to burst through the rooms. A weapon framework 80 crystal shards will need to be obtained by killing enemies at the first chambers, and then you can craft your weapon of choice in a singing bowl.
On the way to some weapon upgrade, be sure to create armor when you have the tools to buy old school runescape gold spare, focusing on gaining every piece before bothering to update them.Along how, make sure you hoard a few Grym leaves as you stumble across them. They are random drops so you do not wish to be unprepared as you enter in bosses or minibosses. They also function as stamina potions that will assist you run around and involving rooms.Once you've got the simple gear ready, be sure to stock up on meals when appropriate, and loop around the chambers to come across the various mini-bosses. This includes Bear the crystalline Beast, and Dragon that drop other weapon frames.