I have never paid for RS gold membership. I typically play runescape in short binges, do some grinding and quests, then get bored and leave for some time. If I need more membership beyond I purchase a bond to the GE, which I suppose makes people prone to possibly buy bonds but at the point it is so indirect I do not think jagex would notice a difference on my part. I might have not given money in any way to them. I have not. And I still have a lot of fun with runescape when I'm in the mood.
I've been fighting with this. My compromise would be to try to utilize bonds and take the hit on my alt account. Until things change, or they actually show they care about their community, I can't bring myself to give them yet another penny.Semi-unrelated, but when I stop RS and return, the worst sense is trying to determine whether or not to buy mems. RS stinks without membership, but then what if im not ready to come back? Now if I wan t perform 15, I have spent 13 bucks simply to see. Lol, no thanks.
This remark is not to begin a war or despise anything or thread. I am simply curious to what people answer for this question... but how does the MTX actually affect you? I know the mindset of'it will only get worse', but other than that, why? Other than being obnoxious and on mind, it does not impact me.cough Those damn trees and drakes cough I don't care about my highscore ranking in contrast to others as this match is older af. If somebody spends money on this game to buy old school runescape gold track themselves ahead of 18, I don't care. I undergoing what I can while doing it and am playing at my speed.