The film White Like Me by Tim Wise examines the privilege of white people and racism in the society of the United States of America through the family experiences as well as the community ones. The documentary was produced in 2013. Using the stories of his own life, Tim Wise is demonstrating the ways in which racism changes the lives of people of color. The detriments of racism are described in the film also because a lot of white people have a sympathetic attitude to African-Americans and want them to have the same rights. It also shows how racial privileges could prevent white people from making progressive changes. Moreover, the ways in which white people could challenge the unjust privileges are outlined and their motives to do so are described by the author. With the help of some anecdotal situations, Wise shows some of these proceedings. A lot of progressive documents, such as GI Bill of Rights and welfare programs, such as the Social Security Act, were also discussed in the movie. All these programs created great opportunities for millions of people. However, we should not forget that for hundreds of years, the governments had been pumping billions, if not trillions, of dollars into the hands of white people before people of color even got at the starting gate. The structural advantages were built into the system and helped white people to be more successful in their lives. The realization that the whites are seen from their childhood as more progressive, successful, smart and decent disturbs the author`s peace of mind.
To conclude, it is important to understand that there are different views on such a wide-spread phenomenon as racism. However, Tim Wise`s film conveys an unambiguous message: the attitude of white people to colored ones can and should be changed. The blatant prejudices that exist in our society are not unfair and must be eradicated.
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