Not all skincare products are healthy. Some are dangerous, especially skincare cream. Why? Because skincare cream might enter your bloodstream when you apply it to your skin. Many skincare cream manufacturers include chemical additives in their products, that's why you need to be very careful with your choices.
Some of these chemical additives even are being linked with cancer. These manufacturers use chemical additives to cut their production costs. Therefore, they can gain a higher profit margin in long run. Although they realize these chemical additives could be very dangerous but they don't care as long as they get approval from the government and they could sell their products easily.
Not only chemical additives, but some products are also even using a synthetic fragrance that might cause cancer in long run. So how to avoid all of these issues? You must learn all of the hair growth serum products before you buy them. Try to know their ingredients, their side effects, etc.
Some products like Acrylamide and Dioxane even have been heavily attacked by the press due to their ingredients. Acrylamide, which uses crystalline, has been linked to breast cancer. Meanwhile, Dioxane (and Dioxane 1,4) which uses coconut is being linked with various cancers and kidney diseases. Other skincare products such as nitrosamines are also dangerous. You must only trust high-profile products that showed their real ingredients to the audience. You must be very careful before you buy any skincare product nowadays. In the end, health is more important than your skin, right