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Issues That Are Faced in Collecting Secondary Data

  • Collecting Secondary DataBy collecting secondary data, we have to use already existing data. We can use this data to enhance the overall effectiveness of the data. To gather the secondary data, we can look for research reports and other documents. The researchers can easily get access to this data in public libraries and websites. Some government and non-government agencies also store the data. We can also use these agencies for collecting secondary data. As we have to gather the already existing data, it is a cost-effective method to gather the data. Some commercial information sources also provide secondary data to the researchers. Here, we will discuss the issues that we face in collecting secondary data.


    Validity and Reliability:

    While collecting secondary data, we can't deny the importance of the validity and reliability of data. Its reason is that they are the most important concerns in research. No doubt, some sources are many reliable resources. Just like primary sources, it covers the whole population. Anyhow, the researchers have some concerns about the reliability of some resources. We can use these resources only if we don't have other sources to gather the data. If we want to find valid and reliable data, we should look for true and original findings. Moreover, these findings should be gathered by using scientific methods. These resources should also be well-researched. The well-researched data also ensure the authenticity of the data. Due to the lack of these qualities, the data may face validity and reliability issues.


    Personal Bias:

    If you are collecting data by using the primary data collection method, you will not face this kind of problem. While collecting secondary data, you may have to face these problems. For example, if you will gather the data from personal records, you may face this problem. To gather data from personal diaries, newspapers and mass media records, you may have to face a similar issue. Its reason is that they are not holding rigorous and well-controlled methods for organizing the records. In some cases, the writers have shared their personal opinions. These personal opinions are far away from the facts. If writers want to make the situation look better or worse, they can distort the facts.


    Availability of Data:

    While collecting secondary data, the researchers may have to face availability issues. You may have to face this problem for various reasons. First, you will have to gather the data to get answers to your research questions. Sometimes, you may not find suitable data from secondary sources to get answers to these questions. Secondly, the researchers have to find rigorous, scientific, and valid data to ensure the best quality of content. It is hard for researchers to find this kind of authentic data. The researchers have selected this data collection method due to ease of availability. If researchers face difficulties in collecting secondary data, they can use the primary data collection method rather than the secondary data collection method.


    Format of Data:

    According to a dissertation writing service, before collecting secondary data, you will have to consider its format. If it is similar to your research paper, you can use it. On the other hand, you can't use it if it is different from your research paper. For example, if you have collected data whose format is not relevant to your research method, you will get biased and invalid results. Here, the researchers have to face problems finding the exact format of the data. After finding the exact format of data, they have to look at its validity and reliability. If any one of these will differ, you can't get the exact results. Sometimes, you may get success in finding the exact format of data but you may have some doubts about its validity and reliability.


    Quality of Data:

    If we talk about the quality of data, we have to consider its accuracy. We can easily focus on the accuracy of data by considering rigorousness in data collection methods. For this purpose, we have to look at the sources that we have used in the data. If someone has used books and journals in the resources list, this resource provides the best quality data. While collecting secondary data, you should also keep in mind that some secondary sources are not providing the best quality data. For example, if you are gathering data from newspapers and magazines, these resources will not provide the best quality data. Therefore, you should stay away from these sources.


    Obsolete Data:

    While collecting secondary data, sometimes, we may get some resources. We can use the data of these resources in the research papers. Now, the problem is that these resources are very old. There is no use of old data in the research papers. For example, if you have found a book that has been written 20 years back, you can't use its data. Its reason is that its data would be valid 20 years ago. In the current circumstances, this data may not be valid. We call this data obsolete data. Similarly, we may also find several years back magazines and newspapers. Before using the data of these magazines and newspapers, you should also look for their publication date.

    This publication date will provide an idea either you can use this data in your research paper or not. Before using the old data in your research paper, you should also check the university's requirements. Sometimes, the universities don't allow old data to use in the research papers. Most universities don't allow more than five years old data to use in the research papers. Anyhow, the historical data is free from these restrictions because you can't alter history based on your judgments and experiments.



    For collecting secondary data, you will have to find already existing resources. No doubt, it is an easy and cost-effective method to gather the data. This is the main reason that you may face some problems. First, you may have to face reliability and authenticity problems. It means that the original researchers have not researched the data by using scientific methods. Secondly, you may also find personal biasing issues in the secondary data. Thirdly, if you use secondary sources to gather the data, you may have to face problems relevant to data availability. At last, data quality and obsolete data can also create problems for the researchers.