So, I would you know, highlight the textbook and then come back and just read my highlights before the test. Instead, get your computer out and get a notepad and summarize in your own words. By doing this, you're identifying the important information and organizing it in a way that you understand and you'll recall that information much better come test time. All right, now you're ready to review the cheap experts marketing essay writing information. What I did and what I do not recommend you do is I'd open up my computer, have my PowerPoint and I'd review the notes that I wrote in the notes section. And I just do the slide after slide and do this several times to learn the information. This was not a good use of time and there are much better ways to do this. Some people will do the same thing with a word document, they'll have you know, several pages, full you know, full of notes and they'll just review every single page. Don't do this either. To memorize, one of the best ways to do this is summarize the information. So take these three pages or take your PowerPoint notes and condense them. So, let's say you have three pages, make it into one page. Don't just decrease the font size, don't change the margins, actually read through it and identify just the important information and organize it in a way that you understand.
By doing so, just this process alone will reinforce that marketing essay writing experts material and now you also have a condensed study resource to review at a later date. Some people also recommend you make an even shorter summary sheet after that. I generally just did one iteration but you can do two or three, what works best for you. The other thing is space repetition. This is the most effective way to memorize information. The concept is that if you have, let's say you learned the information on day zero and these are all the days after. You only revise on day zero, you re-viewed on day one and each time you review it, there's an increasing interval. What this does is it allows you to retain that information in a very efficient manner. Instead of reviewing it every day, you only need to review it right when you're about to forget. So, do this on your own, requires a lot of scheduling and is very difficult and what I recommend is a program called Anki. It's a free software for your Mac PC. I think they might even have for Linux and it will also sync with your smart phone. Make your own flashcards using this app and review them daily. By making your own, you're again taking advantage of the active learning process, if you review someone else's it becomes - you're still doing some of the active recall but you're losing out on a lot of the benefit of making your own flashcards. Also doing this daily is key because if you fall behind, you're not really taking advantage of a space repetition and it defeats the purpose.
So what I would do to get these done daily and let's say it's you know, the week before the exam and things are ramping up, I would get my smartphone out when I was waiting in line at a restaurant or getting groceries waiting in line or waiting for a friend and just do a few flashcards then because even those 5-10 minutes allow you to do several flashcards which adds up throughout the day. To review a whole lecture it'll take you know 20-30 minutes but I do a few flashcards, you just need a few minutes and you will still reap all the benefits. Lastly, on test day make sure you are well rested. Everyone says this but I cannot emphasize this enough. Many people including myself have made the mistake of pulling an all-nighter and not being well rested thinking that cramming the information is more important. That will actually give you a lower test score than if you are well-rested, you have you know adequate sleep, you eat a good breakfast and you're ready to go. Because if your mind is able to critically think, that will benefit you more than trying to cram that information when you're tired you know, you're not gonna be able to retain it anyways. So those are the strategies that I learned from med school.