Crystal Defenders
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of
Gamerscore points:
Champion Defender (20 points): Clear all 12 maps.
Crystal Hoarder (20 points): Clear a single map without losing any crystals.
Expert Defender (5 points): Clear all the waves on any single map.
Four-Star Strategist (30 points): Accumulate a total score of 100,000 points.
Good Samaritan (35 points): Clear a map without deploying a Thief or losing a
single crystal.
Novice Defender (5 points): Clear wave 10 on any single map.
Overachiever (25 points): Clear a map with more than 10,000 points.
Seasoned Defender (5 points): Clear wave 20 on any single map.
Veteran Strategist (20 points): Accumulate a total score of 50,000 points.
W1 Defender (10 points): Clear all the maps in W1.
W2 Defender (10 points): Clear all the maps in W2.
W3 Defender (15 points): Clear all the maps in W3.
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