Blizzard will don't hesitate to go complete casual retard but they will take a look at the retail figures drop, the churn will become unsustainable completely and they will learn in practice that so as to boost participant...mais
Blizzard will don't hesitate to go complete casual retard but they will take a look at the retail figures drop, the churn will become unsustainable completely and they will learn in practice that so as to boost participant participation they'll need to come back to the old gameplay hardcore fashion. This will take one or two expansions after that, propablly a cataclysmic type of rework. (since **** it... at the point why not a new engine) and we will end up with a 1-60 incremental and almost level but slow like in vanila leveling rate. The old raids will become applicable again since the rewards wont turn into unworthy the moment that you jump over to 61 ( thing level menos