I'm a ele shaman primary btw and I respec to heal in raids and you? Are crap. Shamans need no buffs, elemental does NOT need to be viable and you are a HEAL hybrid. If you're a cure hybrid that never throws offheals or...maishttps://www.mywowgold.com/
I'm a ele shaman primary btw and I respec to heal in raids and you? Are crap. Shamans need no buffs, elemental does NOT need to be viable and you are a HEAL hybrid. If you're a cure hybrid that never throws offheals or dispels in a BG, you are trash. No one wants to play you. If you don't want to learn to heal then do not play a heal hybrid. You know what? Don't play WoW Classic and don't play MMO's. Go drama that idiotic Anthem match or Destiny or the MMO YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR. Current WoW. You clowns destroyed WoW and now want to ruin it all over again. menos
kwan jedrek
A partir de hoje, trate todos que encontrar como se estivessem mortos à meia-noite. Estenda a eles todo o cuidado, bondade e compreensão que puder reunir, e faça isso sem pensar em recompensa. Sua vida nunca mais será a mesma novamente.