The most significant learning over the weeks was:
1. I discovered the importance of the fundamentals of community policing and the way they work for the benefit of communities.
2. Promoting community development is performed by identifying the plans and strategic partnership. In this way, I was able to differentiate between the characteristics of a community and benefits it receives through community engagement and policing.
3. I also discovered an important perspective of managing crimes. For instance, I appreciated the fact that shaping perceptions in dealing with crimes is vital, although the behaviors and the essence of crimes are the more significant aspects.
What I found difficult or challenging
1. There are some complexities in the definition of community. Before this exploration, I had considered community as an association of people with similar cultural values.
2. It was difficult for me to connect the understanding of the communitys functioning and reactive policing.
3. Moreover, the connection between the international perspective regarding community policing and problem-solving was a challenge.
How I plan to deal with the challenge(s)
1. I have the academic knowledge regarding community policing and the ways in which it works; I consider this as a step to the real world. I plan to visit different neighborhoods to make a first-hand discovery. I intend to verify what it means to be in a bad neighborhood in its geographical setting.
As a result of my learning, I will apply my new knowledge and understanding by means of:
1. Participating in community programs, particularly, educative programs for the youths, which would help them to be wary of being involved in a crime.
2. Reporting any crime or those who plan to commit a crime for the benefit of them and the society as a whole.
The most significant learning over the weeks was:
1. I learned about the philosophy of community policing. While learning the academic models, I understood the ways in which successful community policing could be implemented.
2. The action plan designed to manage community problem was a discovery for me; I was able to use this knowledge and create community partnership.
3. The notion of the confidence cycle was a new concept for me; I learned the specifics of community engagement and the most important parties that participate in community policing and problem-solving.
What I found difficult or challenging
1. It was challenging to engage in the class exercise that required us to argue the issue of partnership and compliant. The discussion concerned the community activity related to promoting local youths to participate in the racetrack on the basis of a road outside a local primary school.
I was just confused which of the two engagements promoted the significant gains to the society.
How I plan to deal with the challenge
1. I plan to ensure that any community engagement should not create conflicts by inflicting the rights of others. For example, I intend to engage the participants of any community program and request them to ensure that they follow the right procedure to ascertain that their activities do not interfere with the right of others.
2. It is important to develop an impact assessment. I plan to work with the police to help rebuild trust and confidence between the police and the community. Specifically, I will request the police officers to interact with our neighborhood in the course of community programs to promote friendly interaction with the community members.
After the learning, I will apply my new knowledge and understanding:
1. By mobilizing the youths and forming different groups that will enrich the community with the ability to collect data in an intelligent way.
2. I have a basic understanding of the community profile. Therefore, I will teach other members how to identify the gaps in anti-social behavior. This will involve providing them with different publications related to the topic of community policy.
Linda works as an editor at She has always enjoyed working with a variety of literature and being interested in new facts. In addition, she easily finds common ground with many people. She also received her master's degree from American University Washington