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Technology and Identity

    • 1 posts
    30 de julho de 2021 07:58:41 ART


    What is Jane McGonigal’s Argument about Technology and Identity In “Becoming Something Bigger than Ourselves”?


    Numerous critics who explore the work of Jane McGonigal claim that she is famous not only for her enormous contribution to the world of alternative reality gaming but also for her convincing proofs that technology has the power to shape identities in a positive way. The current paper aims to shed light on how technology shapes identity from the perspective of Jane McGonigal.


    Despite the common views of the researchers, who explore the link between technology and identity, that virtual reality has no meaning as it has no power to influence and change lives of people, Jane McGonigal is deeply convinced that the role of virtual reality created with help of technology is critically important. Jane McGonigal, the author of the book Reality Is Broken, draws attention to the fact that technology has nothing in common with stealing people’s identities.


    According to the main viewpoint of the researcher promoted in her book, the only way to increase the value and meaning of human lives is to connect everyday actions of every person to something bigger and better. In other words, McGonigal believes that virtual reality created with help of technology and, especially games, is one of the most effective methods of changing the identities of people for the better.


    Technology and the virtual world contribute to the formation of people’s identities as they considerably strengthen such interdependent senses and qualities as devotion, loyalty, and commitment of people to something or someone bigger and more important than their lives. Human lives mean nothing in case people have nothing to pursue. Technology gives anyone the chance to maintain a rich structure of different identities, especially psychological identity, social identity, and, finally, group identity. Each of these identities is critically important as it assists people in following their missions and callings. Chapter Six “Becoming a Part of Something Bigger Than Ourselves” from McGonigal’s book provides convincing evidence that technology, virtual games, and alternative reality do not spoil identities.


    For instance, despite the fact that Covenant is a simple video game that involves alien races and virtual enemies, it contributes to the development of people’s identities. Not only does technology define people’s identities, but it also provides them with new ways to serve and contribute to the welfare of community. Thus, technology should be viewed not as a toy but as an effective tool that creates new worlds, defines moralities and identities of people, shapes their faith as well as wisdom, and motivates them to think that their behavior and actions are worth celebrating because they have meaning.


    Regardless of the common views that faith, not devices, should define and shape the identities of people, Jane McGonigal supports the views that technology and identity are closely interrelated because technology has the power to create meaning. Meaning is one of the most important and valuable feelings that motivate people to change for the better, unite with other people, contribute to the welfare of the entire community, and search for more moments, chances, and, finally, more opportunities to leave a lasting mark that would have value and essence. To refuse the positive influence of technology on people’s identities is the same as to claim that human lives have neither value nor meaning. Technology shapes identities because it accumulates positive emotions and gives the chance to people to become active participants of something epic that usually involves other people, unites families and friends, promotes collective actions, and, finally, results in heroic challenges that make people feel a part of something bigger and more important. Not only does technology increase the sense of self-worth and develops the sense of pleasure and self-satisfaction, but it also convinces people that their actions and committed attitudes really make a positive difference. Alternative or, in other words, virtual reality that can be maintained with help of technology helps people to adapt to different challenges and obstacles in real-life situations.


    Moreover, Jane McGonigal is a proponent of the idea that technology has a positive influence on identities as it promotes a clear vision, develops a sense of loyalty, dedication, and commitment, inspires humans to search for a meaningful and massive goal that will overwhelm them with positive feelings and gratifying emotions. Technology is a valuable tool that defines every person as a unique individual and shapes people’s personalities, capabilities, intellectual as well as physical attributes, desires, interests, and, finally, relationships with other people.


    Because humans are fundamentally social creatures and an integral part of their development focuses on finding their place in social as well as cultural context, in which they live, technology assists people in adapting to changes, finding a balance, and, finally, receiving positive feedback and approval from the social world. McGonigal claims that massive explosion of technology and popularity of alternative reality are powerful and meaningful external forces that shape self-identities of people in ways, in which the majority of people could not even imagine. Technology, including video games, may be compared to a mirror that reflects people’s identities and shapes these identities in order to give the chance to people to adapt to challenging real-life situations.


    Thus, after having described and assessed the attitudes of Jane McGonigal towards how technology shapes identity, it is possible to come to conclusions that the link between technology and identity is very tight. Despite the fact that the relation between identity and technology is an extremely sensitive and controversial topic, Jape McGonigal supports the viewpoint that the effect of technology on identity is generally positive as technology motivates people to change for the better, make a difference, and, finally, deal with challenges and obstacles. In addition, technology positively transforms identities as it contributes to the feelings of pleasure, awe, and satisfaction. Technology increases people’s accomplishments and victories as it inspires them to act like heroes who always pursue meaningful goals and missions.


    VR is a very interesting but difficult to understand topic in the context of human identity. The effect of AI on the human brain has not yet been fully investigated. A lot of primeessays are devoted to parsing a person into fragments (nerves, perceptions), let's hope that soon this topic will become publicly available.

    • 2 posts
    2 de dezembro de 2021 06:26:42 ART

    Very detailed instructions, I'm a fan coloring pages

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    8 de março de 2022 05:01:05 ART

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    When you try and access your company file as a multi-user, quickbooks is unable to open this company file will display on screen. The error message says that there is an issue with the user's identity or credentials and they cannot open their own account in order to continue working--even though it may belong exclusively for them!