Super Bomberman
Submitted by: andresb-24
Email: [email protected]
Shrunken Bomberman
Enter 5656 as a password.
Sound Test
Using a Multitap, plug a controller into the player 5 spot and hit R on the title screen.
Level Passwords
1-1 5555
1-2 7503
1-3 5543
1-4 0513
1-5 5522
1-6 7564
1-7 3535
2-1 0055
2-2 4005
2-3 0043
2-4 5012
2-5 7024
2-6 5064
2-7 0034
3-1 5453
3-2 7402
3-3 3444
3-4 0412
3-5 2423
3-6 0464
3-7 4434
4-1 6154
4-2 4103
4-3 7144
4-4 5114
4-5 1122
4-6 4164
4-7 0135
5-1 5252
5-2 7204
5-3 5244
5-4 6213
5-5 4224
5-6 1264
5-7 3232
6-1 0652
6-2 3605
6-3 7645
6-4 5615
6-5 7623
6-6 4665
6-7 1635
6-8 5672
World 1-2 Maximum lives
On world 1 level 2 blowing up the gate to the next level will make an ice cream cone
appear on screen. Getting this item will give you 9 lives if you have not died once yet.
-Pro Action Replay
All players can jump in battle mode