Publicado em 15 de dezembro de 2020
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Jaguar UNITY ONE Future Concept Car
Jaguar with their concept has not taken their next killer step instead it is a rendering. This Jaguar Unity One is a dream machine and the mind behind this beautiful machine is Hyunsik Moon, a designer from Seoul, South Korea. A new designer in the market and the only second design of his that is available on the internet. At this rate, he might just be hired by Jaguar.
Just like any other concept, this concept also includes a series of technologies and ideas. The idea of this concept was to mix the feeling of racing a motorcycle inside a four-wheel vehicle. The way in which this will be achieved is still debatable. Each sketch of this car improves and becomes in depth. At last, it reaches the looks of the speed machine. There are many sleek and sporty bodies but this car goes beyond that and is a lot sharper than others.
The front of the car is very open or we can say it’s pretty bare. The wheel component and even the steering can be seen from the outside. Half of the part of the front wheel of the car frame can be seen. The two-arm structure of the car has a pair of air scoops that guides air along the side of the body and at a larger opening at the back. From there, the air is carried above the rear spoiler and it ultimately makes the car stick to the road. One of the good things about this car is that it has an electric drive too.
#conceptvehicles #conceptcar #Jaguar
Hyunsik Moon -
Full credit goes to the original designer. (Full permission for the content has been granted by the original designer)
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