Publicado em 5 de janeiro de 2024
Hi! Today i upload new funny background music. If you want to see more cute music please subscribe to my CHANNEL.
• No Copyrights: All music tracks don`t have copyright. This means you will not receive a copyright claim on your videos on YouTube and other sites.
• Monetization: You can monetize your videos on YouTube and on other sites. This means that you can earn income from your videos on YouTube and other sites.
• Commercial: You can use music tracks for commercial purposes.
• Unlimited: You can create an unlimited amount of videos / contents.
• No need to buy licenses: You do not need to buy licenses every time you upload new videos on YouTube and other sites.
• Use: You can use all the music tracks on YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, websites, social media, applications, radio, TV and more.
!!! You are free to use this music track, but you must include the following in your video description (copy & paste):
[RFM] Royalty Free Music - ForArtist
Song : A Good Day -
#cutebackgroundmusicnocopyright #cutemusic #funnybackgroundmusic #cutebgmnocopyright