Essay writing is a dreadful task; not only do you have to worry about researching information, developing arguments, looking for supporting evidence and crafting an outline, sometimes the professors want you to come with the topic yourself too. This just adds to your plate. Reach out to them and ask, “can you write my essay for me free?”

To make this process a little easier for you, I have categorized a whole bunch of interesting topics that will help you come up with an impressive essay.
Before we move on to that, there is a set criterion for choosing an essay topic. Don’t just go with the one that you find easy, or others are writing on as it wouldn’t help you score a good grade.
Go with a topic that interests you the most. If you are passionate about writing on it, then it makes the entire process fun and easy. You won’t find it exhausting to carry out research or to write long paragraphs explaining your point of view.
Similarly, you must also keep your reader’s interest in mind. What will attract the teacher? Definitely not something that they have read several times before. Try giving them a new and unique topic, or a different approach towards an existing topic.
Before you finalize your topic and start writing the essay, ensure that enough research material is available for you to write your paper easily. You don’t want to start writing only to find out that you can’t find any information on it.
Also, make sure that the topic isn’t too advanced for your academic level. It’s always better to get it approved by your teacher before you start working on the paper.
Coming back to what I had promised earlier – a list of interesting essay topics.
Argumentative essay topics
- Are teenagers under constant pressure to attend college?
- The death sentence should be practiced all over the world.
- What is the most suitable age to cast a vote?
- Do you agree with the statement that there is justice for all?
- College professors make more money than they deserve.
- Kids must be encouraged to play outside for a strong immune system.
- Music helps study better.
- Pros and cons of the monarchy.
- Is high school really important to survive in the real world?
- Can you justify animal-tested beauty products?
Persuasive essay topics
- Should students be allowed to use their phones inside the school campus?
- One year of community service should be mandatory for all citizens.
- Teenagers shouldn’t be given birth control without their parent's consent.
- Does the USA need to refine its immigration laws?
- Teenagers can’t survive without social media.
- The greatest cause of global warming is industrialization.
- Kids shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet unsupervised.
- Human security is more important than their privacy.
- Sometimes war can have a positive outcome.
- The best way to save the world is to use hybrid cars.
Cause and effect essay topics
- What causes the youth to be addicted to their phones?
- Causes of Barack Obama’s victory in the presidential election.
- What effects did President Donal Trump’s policies have on American citizens?
- What will the world look like without technology?
- What are the effects of peer-pressures from an early stage?
- Discuss the impact of having a uniform in high school.
- How does social media affect our relationships?
- How can institutes work to produce better grades?
- Why is it harder for immigrants to secure a job as compared to American citizens?
- Imagine what will happen if you upload the wrong photograph online.
Narrative essay topic
- The time you went to the zoo.
- Your first memory.
- What was your first birthday like?
- A misunderstanding between you and your partner.
- The time you realized that you had judged someone incorrectly.
- The most fun day at school.
- The time you got lost in the mall.
- A really sunny/cloudy day.
- The saddest you have ever been to.
- The day you learned something that changed your life forever.
Compare and contrast essay topics
- US President vs. British Prime Minister
- Communism vs. Liberalism
- Henry VIII vs. King Louis XIV
- Leonardo da Vinci vs. Van Gogh
- Abstract Expressionism vs. Art Nouveau
- Traditional Learning or Online Learning
- Sociology vs. psychology
- Classical Literature vs. Modern Literature
- Mahayana Buddhism vs. Theravada Buddhism
- Discuss the similarities and differences between the students of a public school and a private school.
I hope that you have found the topic relevant to your interests and requirements. If you’re worried about coming up with a strong essay, the option of hiring a free essay writer is always available.