There are a few different things that a few people have called attention to. One is the speedy shot of "NBA 2K21 MTBeach" which the trailer has the huge word Neighborhood for. Look at it around the 1:15 or 1:16 mark.In expansion, fans saw that it shows up school groups will be important for the game. One speedy piece of the trailer (at around the 0:24-25 imprint) shows what has all the earmarks of being UCLA with shorts and a touch of the group name as an afterthought territory.
As referenced, the NBA 2K21 ongoing interaction trailer offers us a decent gander at the new chance meter It has changed a lot. In the latest NBA 2K titles, gamers needed to will "green" on a vertical bend shot meter to get the great shot off. Here's a gander at it from a YouTube video screen capture.