Symbols have a valuable role to play throughout our lives.
We use symbols to give meaning to our lives, starting with waiting for the "walk" sign to cross a street, give people a thumb, and drawing a heart at the end of a love note. Like the Om, Yoga symbols serve the same purpose - they contribute to our understanding and practice of yoga.
You might be a seasoned yogi or new to your practice, but you've probably seen some of the beautiful symbols of yoga in your yoga or studio. Maybe it's a pretty floral flower or something that looks like another language character.
Nice to look, but what do all the symbols of yoga mean?
Yoga Spiritual Symbols Meaning & Images
And why are yogis using them?
Here is the meaning of 5 Common Symbols of Yoga
Let's examine five symbols frequently used in yoga.
30th with a small hat on top.
You probably know it from the Om singing you hear in some yoga classes, at the beginning or at the end.
Composed of the AUM letter sounds, Om is all about threes.
The Om symbol is said to represent, with its roots in Hinduism,
the oneness of every creation, including the heavens, the earth, and the underworld.
Some say that the current form is the symbol of the word: the "three" is the Sanskrit letter of "aah," the "s" small is the "ooo," and the half-moon at its top is the "mmmm" sound.
Om is one of the mightiest mantras and the
Om singing ritual has been performed for thousands of years.
It looks – and is – a lily of water.
The water lily, or lotus flower, has behind it an abundance of meaning and history.
The lotus flower flowers deep in the mud on the surface of the water – a symbol of light and emergence from the dark.
In Buddhism, the lotus flower is the opening of the heart.
The Buddhists compare the opening of the petals of the lotus flower to the unfolding of God within you.
It reflects perfectly new beginnings, purity, and illumination.
A closed bloom is a heart that awaits its infinite illumination potential.
This yoga symbol appears like the palm of a hand,
and in many cultures and religions, it is a popular symbol.
These cultures believe that the symbol (shown by an open palm on the right-hand symbol of protection.
The word 'hamsa' comes from the hand's five fingers.
It is often decorated with the "bad eye,"
which is supposed to prevent any harm or danger.
The hamsa is intended to be shown or worn down with your fingers to ensure proper protection and to give you happiness and strength.
Mandalas are said to represent
the universe, loosely translated as "circle."
A mandala offers a visual balance of elements that symbolize harmony and unity.
Countless designs, patterns, and colors.
You will see the mandala in so many aspects of your own life, concentric circles in the motifs of nature and also circles of life, friends, and family if you look at them closely.
Buddha is a Sanskrit word meaning 'the awakened one It represents the life of Siddhartha, an Indian prince who gave up his throne to look for real meaning and happiness in life, riches, and a pristine lifestyle.
He studied with religious prophets for years and went on a six-year journey to share his beliefs on the way to true peace and fulfillment in life.
His lessons are known as the Dharma.
Buddha is represented in many forms, including protection, serenity or meditation, medicine, and teaching.
Symbols of Yoga: To Depart
Have any of these symbols influenced your yoga practice or life in general?
Do you have more symbols to define, or would you like to add to the list?
In the comments below, please let us know.