Fildena 100 is a product that you can use to treat erectile dysfunction. This is a product you will not be able to get over the counter, but it is also a product that can do a lot of good for you. You will have to take a few precautions before taking it, but it is something that you should consider.
If you are one of the millions of men with erectile dysfunction, you may have heard of Viagra. It is a prescription drug designed to help you achieve a natural erection.
However, you need to know that while Viagra is a powerful drug, it does not work as an aphrodisiac. Instead, it acts locally and symptomatically.
A few other substances have been shown to have aphrodisiac effects. They are usually herbs or plant-based.
These substances can improve the level of sexual desire and libido and improve overall sexual performance. The effects can last for several hours.
Yohimbe is an herb that is found in Africa and India. It has been thought to have aphrodisiac qualities for centuries. However, it has side effects like weakness, anxiety, and hallucinations.
Another popular substance is Carpolobia lutea root. This is also considered an aphrodisiac, despite limited scientific studies on its efficacy.
Sildenafil Citrate, also known as Viagra, is a PDE-5 inhibitor. The substance relaxes smooth muscles, increasing blood flow to the penis.
You should not take Viagra if you have kidney problems, cardiovascular disease, or are taking nitrates. Also, you should not take Sildenafil within four hours of taking an alpha-blocker.
Some men report experiencing increased libido after using Viagra. In addition to enhancing erectile function, the drug helps maintain a healthy hormonal balance.
Many male enhancement supplements claim to increase libido and erections. However, these supplements are not for everyone. Each individual must decide what works for them and consider the ingredients in the supplement.
If you have erectile dysfunction, you should talk to your doctor before you decide on a male enhancement product.
Other Info: Fildena 150