Fildena 100 is a very effective medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It contains the same ingredient as the popular brand pill Viagra, but it is much cheaper.
It is a medication that is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction in men. It contains the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate which helps smoothen blood flow to the penis and allows a male to attain a firm erection when sexual stimulation occurs.
However, some precautions should be taken before using this medicine. One of them is to take this drug only on an empty stomach and avoid taking it with alcohol or other medicines that lower blood pressure. Another is to consult with a physician before starting this medicine if you have any health conditions.
The main ingredient of this medicine is Sildenafil Citrate, which is a PDE-5 inhibitor that relaxes muscles and blood vessels to increase blood flow in the sex organs. It also aids in maintaining sexual arousal and erectile function in men.
Sildenafil Citrate is not recommended for use by children or women and should only be prescribed by a doctor. It can also cause an increased chance of death in people who have pulmonary arterial hypertension or PAH, a condition that causes high blood pressure in the lungs.
Moreover, the drug must be stored in a cool and dry place away from direct light. It should not be consumed if the expiry date has passed and it should not be chewed or broken.
It is recommended that you should not consume more than one Fildena 100 tablet per day, as it can interfere with the effect of other medications. It is also not advisable to consume this drug while indulging in demanding exercises, as it can cause dizziness.
While buying Fildena 100 online, you should make sure that the website is reputable. This ensures that you are getting genuine pills from a reliable source.
In addition, it is important to read the package label carefully before consuming the drug. The label should contain instructions on how to take the medication, as well as what side effects to watch out for.
The pill should be swallowed with a glass of water without chewing, breaking, or splitting. It should be taken about 30 minutes to four hours before sexual activity.
Other Info: Fildena 150