Fildena 50 is a drug that helps to improve the erection of men with erectile dysfunction. This is done by dilating the blood vessels in the penis to increase blood flow and allow longer-lasting erections.
The medicine is taken as a pill and should be swallowed whole. It should be taken with a glass of water about 30 minutes before you plan to have sexual activity. The main active component is sildenafil citrate which takes a while to get into the system but should have an effect within half an hour.
It would help to drink plenty of water while taking Fildena 50, as the tablet will last in your system for about 6 hours. This should be enough to ensure that you have a satisfying sex session without getting too dehydrated or dizzy.
It is important to remember that Fildena 50 should not be taken by men with heart problems or those who are pregnant. It can also interfere with some medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, so it is best to consult your doctor before taking any new medicines.
Unlike other ED drugs, Fildena 50 is not available over the counter. Using it self-medicating can lead to serious side effects and complications.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not be tempted to take a larger dose than prescribed. This can cause more severe side effects and could lead to overdose. The most important thing to remember is that you must take the drug as directed by your doctor to get the maximum benefit.
it is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. It's also known as "the magic pill" because it helps men worldwide get and maintain an erection for longer.
The active ingredient in Fildena 50 is Sildenafil Citrate, which inhibits phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5). It increases blood flow toward the penis and keeps the erection going longer.
It should be taken 30 minutes before sexual intercourse for the best results. It should be taken on an empty stomach, as it is easier to absorb if you do not have food in your system.
Sildenafil 50 is a prescription-strength medicine that can be purchased online at an affordable price. You can also buy it over the counter at your local pharmacy or ask your doctor for a refill of this ED medication.
There are several different strengths of Fildena 50, depending on your ED problem's severity. Some common forces include Fildena 50 mg, Fildena 100 mg, and Fildena 150 mg.
Generally, men with erectile dysfunction take this medicine to get and keep an erection for longer periods of the day. It is an effective solution for treating this condition, and it can be bought from pharmacies in most countries.
You should always consult your doctor before taking this drug, as it can interact with certain medications or other health conditions. It would help to inform your doctor about any other medicines or supplements you are taking.
Another important thing to know is that patients with kidney or liver disease or other serious medical problems should not use this medication. In addition, it should not be taken by patients with a history of heart or blood pressure issues, as it may increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Finally, this medication can cause vision loss in some people with retinitis pigmentosa, a rare hereditary eye condition. Patients should not take this medication with low vision; it must be stopped immediately if any side effects are noticed.
Other Info: Fildena 100