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Pokemon Fire Red

    • 11496 posts
    11 de setembro de 2013 14:16:59 ART

    Pokemon Fire Red

    Submitted by: Luke Morin

    When you start the game you will be looking for TM1(cut) insted of going on the S.S.
    Ann to get it get it in a trade and latter in the game you will get surf. Go back
    to the place where you go onto the S.S. and surf to the right of the dock and you
    will come to another dock. Go onto it and you will see a truck. This has been proven.
    Try it!

    Enable trading to Ruby and Sapphire:
    Fix the Network Machine on Island 1. This is done by getting both the
    Sapphire and Ruby (in game items) and bringing them to the machine

    Secret Japanese Time Glitch Fix:
    In order to do this, you will need Ruby or Sapphire, two GBA's, and a
    link cable. When the game gets to the start up menu, press select and B.
    Then press A on the next screen. Next, put the link cable in. Make sure
    the purple tong is in the GBA with FR/LG, and the grey one is in the
    GBA with R/S. Press A to do the transfer. When you start up the second
    GBA, with R/S in it, press Select and Start on the Gameboys default
    screen to fix the time glitch in R/S.


    The best team for league #2:
    Submitted by: Andy Bain

    The 2nd time you go after the league, their a lot harder (their lowest level is 64!)

    The best team would be:
    Tyranitar-lv.70 or higher
    Blastoise-lv.75 or higher
    Primeape- lv.86 or higher
    Nidoking- lv.85 or higher
    Zapdos- lv.68 or higher
    Mewtwo- lv.80 or higher

    Tyranitar should have learned by then Crunch, Rock Slide, Thrash & Earthquake.
    Blastoise should be taught Surf(HM03), Hydro Cannon(taught on 2 island by girl in
    the house at the top of the hill), Blizzard(TM 14) & Dig(TM 28)

    Primeape should learn Cross Chop, Karate Chop, Screech & either seismic toss or
    counter(taught by guy in celadon dept. store lv.4)

    Nidoking should learn Megahorn, Brick Break(TM 31), Earthquake(TM26) & Thrash

    Zapdos should learn Thunder, Drill Peck, Fly(HM 02) & Agility

    Mewtwo can learn any techniques that you want it to learn at all

    Use all of these moves right & you should sore through the league for a second time.

    Submitted by: romeo(im from crown woods sec skool room 224)

    if you buy a action reply max you
    can get all the pokemon on your pokedex and have all badges and have infinite
    of any item in your bag

    Submitted by: Karthik
    Put this first before the pokemon code First line:

    17543C48 E65E0B97
    594F7021 3B4E81A7
    Second Line:
    1 Bulbasaur
    AD86124F 2823D8DA
    2 Squirtle
    BCDCB406 2F2FD763
    3 Articuno
    D7B594AF C1DA18AB

    4 Zapdos
    83E25054 9C927E5E

    5 Moltres
    F8DEC3CC A014B094

    6 Dratini
    47C69D5D 1AA59D6D
    7 Mewtwo
    4C77BA3F CA4EDCB6

    8 Chikorita
    539C7E13 DD795F72
    9 Cyndaquil
    E4995046 3D00BF91
    10 Totodile
    6699EF70 D7B03D43
    11 Raikou
    43FF33D1 F368CDE6

    12 Entei
    0C8037A6 BE1D9DB2

    13 Suicune
    80755BDB E392B806

    14 Lugia
    545C676A 51FFDC1C

    15 Ho-oh
    437065EF 67DF37EF

    16 Celebi
    4AEC27E8 A5FF1540

    US Codes
    022EA6CD 594A7718
    D2BF38B5 7E300C38
    8343300B ADEF57CA
    46E4D9D2 C48C7156
    D2BF38B5 7E300C38
    EA57D52F 1D29C38E

    17 Treecko
    D9FE5FBF B09F0205

    18 Torchic
    2F22FB72 D5887213

    19 Mudkip
    A72262EA 7F7FD464

    20 Metang

    21 Metagross
    CA6230A5 D89220E0

    22 Regirock
    A72D5514 4128DA3D

    23 Regice
    1A2209C5 C0228D4C

    24 Registeel
    742ED98D 9B284DFA

    25 Latias
    26A5F4EA 772A0B12

    26 Latios
    72BAB975 7E4038A8

    27 Kyogre
    16AFD4E7 E10BFB55

    28 Groudon
    0002FF77 A52C0BAF

    29 Rayquaza
    C5ECDE5B 0D6B09C8

    30 Jirachi

    31 Deoxys
    27C35F73 A8E9E879


    Mew or Dexoys will not obey if captured in the wild so heres a cool code for
    Mew in PC Slot 1
    92260D64 28E61FC9
    71D615F6 B41C381B
    0D280703 38963967
    A4144E58 825677D8
    F161D5A4 48F9A2DB
    33484F68 A56E77E0
    D9942118 228420E7
    BBB261C7 60CA157C
    D9934C25 DC0AAFCF
    3E888B0F ECF35A34
    13F1DDB5 F92F747C
    5DF00218 A3A1FA5E
    E07CF65A 99C82988
    8B359280 96B97011
    F3C920F0 939FB45E
    4681C2C8 CAAFD263
    B74BFA2D 24733F53
    3354F609 3CB6AF8A
    1354C1C3 D10F24B0
    D93F2C31 16F87180


    0E12F25C BC489609
    141BB87C 83D7018F
    7A063220 5D82DF58

    C6C2B22C 509A58D3

    2782EFCA 4EED1397
    (Must use with Ticket Enabler, and DMA Disable Code)
    A69B0E61 454A149B
    641B9F5D 3A0D0482
    (Must use with Ticket Enabler, and DMA Disable Code)


    Getting The Aurora Ticket and Mystic Ticket/Deoxys, Ho-Oh, And Lugia
    You Need An Action Replay Version 3 To Perform This Cheat To Get Deoxys.

    72BC6DFB E9CA5465
    A47FB2DC 1AF3CA86

    DMA ENABLIER(Must Be On All Time)
    8D671FD9 6F6BEFF2
    78DA95DF 44018CB4

    You need to be at Virmilion & have gone to at least one of the sevi islands then
    you can put in the codes. Put code in a New Game Slot.

    MYSTICTICKET (8th Island - Lugia-Ho-Oh)
    0E12F25C BC489609
    141BB87C 83D7018F
    7A063220 5D82DF58
    2782EFCA 4EED1397
    After entering the (M) and DNA ENABLIER codes, enter the MYSTICTICKET with those only.
    Do not enter the AURORATICKET yet. Now start the game and go to the PokeMart. You should
    see MYSTICTICKET for sale when you click buy. Buy one and save and turn off.
    Now disable the MYSTICTICKET and enter the AURORATIKET.

    AURORATICKET (9th Island - Deoxys)
    0E12F25C BC489609
    141BB87C 83D7018F
    7A063220 5D82DF58
    641B9F5D 3A0D0482
    You should see AURORATICKET for sale when you click buy at the PokeMart.
    Buy one and save and turn off.

    Now Disable The AURORATICKET and Leave On The DMA ENABLIER AND (M).

    Now enter Birth Island/Navle Rock Enablier.

    Birth Island/Navel Rock Enabler
    07CF2578 E43B4EBF
    Now you should start the game with the (M), DMA ENABLIER and Birth Island/Navle
    Island Enablier.
    Now go to the Varmilian Port and Tak to the Sailor. He should sa that's a rare
    ticket and Birth Island and Navle Rock should appear. Now your free to capture Deoxys,
    Ho-Oh, and Lugia.

    THE ACTION REPLAY CODES ARE BY Pokemonhacker and loadingNOW. I wrote the Instructions
    and stuff.

    I know some people will have trouble with slving Deoxys Triangle Puzzle so I did this
    for you guys.

    Note: When solving this puzzle, you need to tap the buttons that I tell you to tap
    lightly or you'll end up with extra steps. HERE GOES:

    Solving The Triangle Puzzle
    1)Approach the triangle from below and press A.
    2)Press the left Directional Pad 5 times left, now press down once and press A.
    3)Press the right Directional Pad 5 times right, now press up 5 times and press A.
    4)Press 5 times right, down 5 times, and A.
    5)Press up 3 times, left 7 times, and A.
    6)Press right 5 times, and A.
    7)Press 3 times left, down two times, and A.
    8)Press down 1 time, left four times, and A.
    9)Press 7 times right, and A.
    10)Press left 4 times, down 1 time, and A.
    11)Press up 4 times, and A.

    WARNING: May mess up your game. Use at your own risk!
    rating: --- mew in pc w/ aura ticket
    you need an acion replay for this code

    you get mew holding an aura ticket to birthisland (if you slove the puzzle DEOXYS is
    ready to be caught) P.S. this is a long code

    92260d64 24E61FC9
    71D615F6 B41C381B
    0D280703 38963967
    A4144E58 825677D8
    F161D5A4 48F9A2DB
    33484F68 A56E77E0
    D9942118 228420E7
    BBB261C7 60CA157C
    D9934C25 DC0AAFCF
    3E888B0F ECF35A34
    13F1DDB5 F92F747C
    5DF00218 A3A1FA5E
    E07CF65A 99C82988
    8B359280 96B97011
    F3C920F0 939FB45E
    4681C2C8 CAAFD263
    B74BFA2D 24733F53
    3354F609 3CB6AF8A
    1354C1C3 D10F24B0
    D93F2C31 16F87180

    mystery gift:
    Submitted by: Antonio Teran

    to get mystery gift you have to go to the poke'mart. fill the 4 words on clipboard.
    type in link together with all. then the dude behind the counter will notice then he'll
    give you mystery gift.

    Submitted by: jack

    how to stand on a tree
    1st cut a tree then stand were the tree was and save it then turn it of then when you
    turn your gameboy advance on again you should be on the tree you cut down and it also
    works on nintendoDS's.


    • 4 posts
    5 de abril de 2019 02:38:07 ART

    Pokemon is best game ever I play. But I need xbox live code generator to play this.

    • 31 posts
    25 de junho de 2019 17:41:49 ART

    Pokemon Fire Red is a great game! I played it and compared my game to my friends a lot, and we had such a great time. Definitely one of the best Pokemon games ever.

    • 22 posts
    15 de julho de 2019 08:24:53 ART

    Pokemon fire red is one of my favorite games of all time. I played this game when I was working at the top 10 best resume writing services, and I still play this game. It's just that this game has a lot of great gameplay.

    • 18 posts
    5 de agosto de 2019 13:59:03 ART

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    23 de agosto de 2019 12:43:18 ART

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    • 22 posts
    24 de agosto de 2019 16:31:11 ART

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    • 18 posts
    8 de setembro de 2019 12:24:31 ART

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