Its a part time and full time both jobs but keep in mind that its not profitable business because First I Think this is gambling..and i loss my $300.. then i study 6 month and practice demo. now i tell all of them that is not gambling...Forex Trading is Education For your Life so increase your knowledge about trading and earn as much as you want.
[blockquote]David leonhardt said:
Its a part time and full time both jobs but keep in mind that its not profitable business because First I Think this is gambling..and i loss my $300.. then i study 6 month and practice demo. now i tell all of them that is not gambling...Forex Trading is Education For your Life so increase your knowledge about trading and earn as much as you want.
In Forex trading we can do trading as we want so many peoples are doing work in forex as a part time business and they do other businesses permanently but it is important for everyone that they have proper knowledge of doing trading for this it takes sometimes and efforts from the traders
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forex trading us a biggeat online buiesness it is a worl wide buiesness some people join forex for part time job but when they enjoy uts benifits so they make it real buiesness and spend thier full time to the forex if anubody work hard in the forex so he earn a lot of money
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