A Bíblia é um livro cheio de instruções para uma vida bem sucedida, mas há muitos livros que oferecem conselho semelhante. O que torna a Bíblia diferente ou distinta, entre tais livros? A Bíblia proclama ser a Palavra de Deus, uma revelação divina!
A Bíblia tem tido uma enorme influência na História do homem. Ela continua sendo o livro mais freqüentemente traduzido. É inquestionável que a Bíblia seja amplamente acreditada como sendo a Palavra de Deus, um livro divinamente inspirado. Mas qual evidência existe para apoiar esta crença? Seria sem fundamento esta fé? O que podemos oferecer à pessoa que tem dúvidas sobre a inspiração da Bíblia?
A inspiração é a influência do Espírito Santo sobre os escritores da Bíblia, para que as coisas que eles escreveram sejam exatamente o que Deus desejou revelar ao homem. A Bíblia declara ser o produto da inspiração. Paulo escreveu, “Toda a Escritura é inspirada por Deus e útil para o ensino, para a repreensão, para a correção, para a educação na justiça, a fim de que o homem de Deus seja perfeito e perfeitamente habilitado para toda boa obra” (2 Timóteo 3:16-17). Aos Coríntios, ele escreveu que o Espírito Santo revelou as verdadeiras palavras que ele e outros usaram para ensinar a Palavra de Deus (1 Coríntios 2:10-13). Pedro afirmou que os profetas do Velho Testamento também falaram como foram levados pelo Espírito Santo (1 Pedro 1:11-12; 2 Pedro 1:20-21). Os próprios profetas declararam que estavam falando as palavras de Deus (por exemplo, Jeremias 1:2, 4, 9).
A questão da inspiração da Bíblia é fundamental. Se a Bíblia é simplesmente um produto dos homens, então ela não tem mais autoridade do que qualquer outro padrão moral que o homem possa inventar. Por outro lado, se ela é na verdade a Palavra de Deus, então o padrão moral que ela apresenta é a expressão da autoridade de Deus.
Profecia Cumprida: Evidência de Inspiração
Há, naturalmente, muitas evidências da origem divina da Bíblia, mas a mais forte é a profecia cumprida, que é, em essência, a assinatura de Deus em seu livro, uma indicação inigualável de que ela é sua obra.
n O homem não pode conhecer o futuro; somente Deus pode predizer a História ou os acontecimentos. Somente Deus, pela sua onisciência, pode predizer com minúcias o que acontecerá a centenas de anos no futuro! Através do profeta Isaías, Deus emitiu o seguinte desafio aos falsos deuses adorados pelos homens: “Trazei e anunciai-nos as cousas que hão de acontecer; relatai-nos as profecias anteriores, para que atentemos para elas e saibamos se se cumpriram; ou fazei-nos ouvir as cousas futuras. Anunciai-nos as cousas que ainda hão de vir, para que saibamos que sois deuses; fazei bem ou fazei mal, para que nos assombremos, e juntamente o veremos” (41:22-23; veja também 42:8-9; 44:6-8). Deus indicou que a capacidade de predizer o futuro era um sinal de verdadeira divindade.
n A Bíblia predisse os destinos de nações e cidades. O Velho Testamento está repleto de minuciosas profecias a respeito da vinda do Messias: a natureza de seu nascimento, a vida e a maneira de sua morte.
n Se apenas Deus pode predizer o futuro e a Bíblia contem profecia cumprida, então a Bíblia é claramente a obra de Deus, um livro inspirado.
De acordo com o Velho Testamento, a profecia cumprida era um dos sinais de um verdadeiro profeta, um guiado por Deus. Por outro lado, profecia falhada é o sinal de um falso profeta (Deuteronômio 18:20-22).
Critérios de profecia
n Os assim chamados psíquicos freqüentemente fazem predições sobre o futuro, mas a maioria, se não todos, não consegue passar. Muitas vezes tais predições são claramente “palpites” sobre eventos futuros, baseados nos eventos correntes. A profecia não é o resultado de cálculo matemático, nem a projeção da sabedoria política ou científica, nem mesmo uma conjectura feliz. A profecia é a predição de eventos além do poder natural de um homem para prever.
n Obviamente, uma profecia precisa ser feita antes que o evento aconteça. Quanto mais tempo passar entre a profecia e seu cumprimento, é menos provável que a profecia seja meramente um “palpite” treinado sobre o futuro. Talvez se possa imaginar quem será o próximo presidente do Brasil, mas predizer hoje quem será o presidente do Brasil no ano 2090 seria uma verdadeira profecia!
n A profecia precisa ter um cumprimento claro, isto é, é preciso que se seja capaz de ver uma relação clara entre a profecia e o evento que supostamente a cumpre. Alguns homens fazem “profecias” que são enquadradas numa tal linguagem geral que permita o cumprimento por um grande número de eventos futuros, antes que por um algum evento explícito. A linguagem da profecia precisa não ser ambígua nem enganosa, para que seu cumprimento seja claramente reconhecível.
Um exemplo de profecia cumprida: Ezequiel e Tiro
zequiel profetizou durante o período de 592-570 a. C. Além de outras nações e cidades, ele profetizou contra Tiro, uma cidade costeira da Fenícia. Ezequiel predisse que:
l Muitas nações subiriam contra Tiro (Ezequiel 26:3)
lOs muros de Tiro seriam derrubados e a cidade completamente varrida (26:4)
l O local da cidade se tornaria um lugar para os pescadores estenderem suas redes (26:5,14)
lOs escombros de Tiro seriam atirados ao mar (26:12)
l Tiro jamais seria reconstruída (26:14)
O cumprimento destas profecias é surpreendente! Ezequiel identificou Nabucodonosor, rei da Babilônia, como aquele que atacaria a cidade de Tiro e a destruiria (26:7). Nabucodonosor assediou esta cidade na praia do Mar Mediterrâneo de 585 a 572 a. C. e quando, finalmente, rompeu as portas da cidade, ele descobriu que o seu povo, na maior parte, tinha evacuado a cidade por navio e fortificado outra cidade numa ilha a cerca de um quilômetro da costa. Nabucodonosor destruiu a cidade da terra firme (572 a.C.), mas foi incapaz de destruir a cidade da ilha. Estes acontecimentos não são, talvez, muito admiráveis porque aconteceram não muitos anos depois das profecias de Ezequiel. Contudo, a história de Tiro não tinha terminado.
O império medo-persa substituiu o dos babilônios e, por sua vez, o general grego Alexandre, o Magno, capturou o território dos persas. Depois de vencer Dario III na Ásia Menor, Alexandre se mudou para o Egito e conclamou as cidades fenícias a abrirem suas portas (332 a. C.). A cidade na ilhota de Tiro se recusou e por isso Alexandre assediou-a e começou a construir uma ponte flutuante com 60 metros de largura, desde a praia até a ilha. Ele usou os escombros da velha cidade de Tiro, limpando completamente o terreno, para fazer sua “estrada” levando-a até a cidade na ilha. Depois de um cerco de sete meses, ele tomou a cidade. Sua fúria contra os tírios foi grande; ele matou 8.000 dos habitantes e vendeu outros 30.000 para a escravidão.
Muitas cidades antigas, que foram destruídas de tempos em tempos, foram reconstruídas, mas nenhuma cidade jamais foi reconstruída no antigo local de Tiro. O terreno, até mesmo hoje, é usado por pescadores para estender suas redes para limpar, remendar e secar.
Como teria sido possível a Ezequiel saber o que Alexandre, o Magno, faria para capturar a cidade de Tiro 250 anos mais tarde? Nenhum homem poderia ter previsto com tal pormenor o futuro incomum de Tiro; profecias como estas são claramente a obra de Deus.
As profecias contra Tiro são apenas um exemplo entre muitas que poderiam ser citadas. Por exemplo, Isaías predisse que Jerusalém e o templo seriam reconstruídos por ordem de Ciro, o persa, que permitiria aos israelitas regressarem do cativeiro (44:28 – 45:13). Quando Isaías fez estas profecias cerca do ano 700 a. C. a cidade de Jerusalém e o templo ainda estavam em pé, o reino do sul de Judá ainda não tinha sido levado em cativeiro, e os assírios eram a potência mundial. Ciro não libertaria os cativos de Judá antes do ano 536 a.C., 160 anos mais tarde, e entretanto Isaías o chamou pelo nome!
Também foi Isaías quem profetizou que o Messias nasceria de uma virgem, 700 anos antes que isso acontecesse (Isaías 7:14; Mateus 1:22-23). O profeta Miquéias, que viveu no mesmo tempo que Isaías, predisse o lugar de nascimento do Messias, observando que seria a pequena cidade de Belém, no sul, não a Belém do norte (Miquéias 5:2; Mateus 2:1, 5-6). Como poderiam estes homens ter predito estas coisas sobre o Messias a menos que Deus os estivesse guiando?
Bíblia contém algumas profecias que satisfazem os critérios antes mencionados de verdadeira profecia e deste modo demonstram a natureza inspirada das Escrituras? Os exemplos já citados respondem essa questão com um sonoro “sim”!
Talvez alguém diga, “Deveríamos aceitar a Bíblia como inspirada sem necessidade de qualquer evidência. A fé não exige evidência.” Com tal tipo de raciocínio, aceitaremos virtualmente qualquer livro que se declare ser revelação divina! Se a Bíblia não é a palavra de Deus, como declara, então não é um bom livro. É uma tentativa para enganar.
Por outro lado, se a profecia cumprida confirma a origem divina da Bíblia, então ela é obra de Deus e contém um padrão moral com autoridade para nossas vidas, governando a conduta de todos que queiram viver eternamente na presença de seu Criador. A evidência, a profecia cumprida, está disponível para nosso estudo. O que você concluirá sobre a Bíblia?
-por Allen Dvorak
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grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services
Best SMM Panel FoxFollow To Grow Social Accounts Followers, Likes, Views And More...
Social media platforms have become the next best choice in
e-marketing after search engines and sometimes they are better than search
engines and easier. If you are an active user on social media, you can reach
potential customers easily with a lower cost than search engines. Your company
can grow quickly by optimizing social media accounts. You can do this easily by
using the first reseller panel
What Is SMM Panel and How Does It Work?
a panel is a technical tool for providing services to social
media platforms to help you grow your business or personal accounts to optimize
it to your clients in research to make your customers reach you easily
For example, you can buy many Facebook likes to make your page
better in search and similarly, you can buy YouTube views and many platforms
like Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, etc.
To make your business optimize to your customers and more
You can use this Panel for many things. You can lead your
business to the desired success with this service panel. It has easy to use
an interface which will make everything easy for account growth, and ease of
payment, get followers, get likes and more This services panel will lead you to
explore gold on social media by finding your customers If you are looking to
grow social media accounts then you are in the right place You can make
your Facebook page get thousands of likes and comments, your account on
Instagram, you can make it get thousands of followers quickly, which will make
your account reliable to customers
What are the advantages of the panel?
Very fast orders complete
you can make unlimited orders
You will get unlimited services
You will find many payment methods
Easy support for users through tickets 24/7
Support many social media platforms
Best cheapest Panel prices
Best High-Quality services