There is nothing wrong with religious intolerance when it Subliminal360 Review is kept in its correct context. There are some things we should never allow in a free society. This is the reason we make God-fearing laws. If there were no absolute standards of right and wrong, lawmakers would be nothing but tyrants. They would be using their laws to "lord it over" us. Like so many good things, laws can be used to suppress us.
This is the reason we need an outside source of moral correctness to guard against tyrannical religious intolerance. Sinister and crude people will always reproduce their true character through acts of tyranny. This cannot be allowed, whether it is found in a church, in a school, in a business, in a government or in a family. Tyranny is based on distorted views of justice and truth. There has always been a fine line between true justice and justice, falsely so-called. The key is, who is the receiver and what is the outcome?
God-fearing religious intolerance will build up societies. Tyrannical religious intolerance will destroy societies. God-fearing religious intolerance will support honesty, faithfulness, love, forgiveness, kindness, etc. Tyrannical religious intolerance will support deception, lies, brutality, immorality, bribery, selfish pride, distorted ideas of moral justice and the like. Tyrannical religious intolerance is the cancer and God-fearing religious intolerance is the cure.