Cellulite is known by quite a few names - orange peel syndrome, Hydralyft adiposis edematosa, status protrus cutis, mattress phenomenon, dermopanniculosis deformans, hail damage, gynoid lipodystrophy and cottage cheese skin.Medical professionals promote Cellulean cellulite gel because of this unique ability to get rid of cellulite as well as unwanted fat, safely. This product is known to be the strongest anti-cellulite solution that is currently available on the market.
The term cellulite is used to describe the appearance of the skin as it tends to take on a dimpled look due to the fat deposits under the skin. These fat cells are raised directly below the skin's surface into little pockets distorting the connective tissue as it gets pushed down causing the lumpy appearance on the skin.
The areas that are commonly affected by cellulite include the abdomen, buttocks, hips and thighs.Women are the ones mainly affected by cellulite because they have less collagen than men along with more fat in the areas commonly known as problematic. If you don't know whether or not you have cellulite take a look at the list below to see some of the signs and symptoms associated with cellulite.
Este post foi editado por Syreeta Chen em 11 de março de 2021 08:23:25 ART"