Armored Core 4
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Chapter 1 (20 points): Awarded for completing Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 (30 points): Awarded for completing Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 (30 points): Awarded for completing Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 (50 points): Awarded for completing Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 (50 points): Awarded for completing Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 (100 points): Awarded for completing Chapter 6.
Normal Difficulty (50 points): Awarded for completing all Normal Missions.
Hard Difficulty (50 points): Awarded for completing all Hard Missions.
Mission Rank A (10 points): Awarded for achieving Total Mission Rank A.
Mission Rank S (20 points): Awarded for achieving Total Mission Rank S.
GA Pack-A (30 points): Awarded for completing the "SDGA RANK-A" data pack.
GA Pack-B (30 points): Awarded for completing the "SDGA RANK-B" data pack.
Rosenthal Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-E001 ROS-OME" data pack.
Rayleonard Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-C001 RAY" data pack.
Akvavit Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-C002 AKV" data pack.
BFF Pack-A (30 points): Awarded for completing the "SDBFF RANK-A" data pack.
BFF Pack-B (30 points): Awarded for completing the "SDBFF RANK-B" data pack.
Leone Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-B001 LEO" data pack.
Aldra Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-B002 ALD-MEL" data pack.
Eqbal Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-A001 EQB-TEC" data pack.
Maghrib Pack (30 points): Awarded for completing the "NDP-X002 MAGHRIB" data pack.
All Data Packs (50 points): Awarded for completing all data packs.
01 Berlioz (10 points): Awarded for completing the MARCHE AU SUPPLICE mission on Hard.
03 Anjou (10 points): Awarded for completing the JARDIN DE CHEVALIER mission on Hard.
05 Mary Shelley (10 points): Awarded for completing the EMPRESS mission on Hard.
14 Sherring (10 points): Awarded for completing the SEA OF BLOOD mission on Hard.
-- Amazigh (10 points): Awarded for completing the DESERT WOLF mission on Hard.
-- Sus (10 points): Awarded for completing the UP IN FLAMES mission on Hard.
Ursragna (10 points): Awarded for completing the JUGGERNAUT mission on Hard.
Sol Dios (10 points): Awarded for completing the SOL DIOS mission on Hard.
00-Aretha (10 points): Awarded for completing the SEED A BARREN EARTH mission on Hard.
Additionally, there are eight secret achievements, all of which are currently unknown.
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