Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2
Bonus songs:
Successfully complete one of the following special events at the
indicated location in Quest mode to unlock the corresponding song:
Anthema: Harowa, Ofa
Breathe in the Air: Cadonia, Rab
Disabled the Flaw: Capp, Bagania
Elfadicelli: Harowa, Bonolu
Emi's Song: Manarina, Sasube
Mochi Crunch: Moldig, Istar
on voit la mer: Manarina, Taka
Orange Sky: Cadonia, Bibi
potpourri d'orange: Moldig, Apia
Space Space Shooter (C&C Remix): Capp, Tamommo
Synergy: Ruby, Dempasa
What is Love?: Ruby, Recon
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