Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic - Elements
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Sniper (25 points): Kill 50 enemies only with bow.
Swordsman (25 points): Kill 60 enemies only with sword.
Cyclops Hunter (25 points): Kill 4 cyclops during your adventure.
Arena Master (20 points): Defeat all enemies in Rubby's Arena.
Shadow Soldier (25 points): Kill 20 enemies with Backstab strikes.
Warlock (25 points): Kill 50 enemies with magic.
Thanocide (25 points): Kill 50 enemies amongst spiders, undeads or ghouls.
Archeologist (30 points): Recover 60% of relics.
Adventurer (15 points): Recover 30% of relics.
Crusade Knight (40 points): Recover all relics.
Code of Honor (15 points): Defeat Aratrok loyally without magic.
Demoniac (10 points): Kill 10 enemies in the form of a demoniac.
Difficult Mode (40 points): Complete the game in difficult mode.
Dead Rescuer (20 points): Save Ishtvan in the Necropolis.
Princess Rescuer (15 points): Save Leanna in the giant spider's den.
PaoKao 9 (10 points): Kill PaoKao near the Necropolis.
Learner (5 points): Complete the tutorial.
The Skull of Shadows (5 points): Recover the Skull of Shadows in the temple of the Spider Goddess.
Mission Accomplished (20 points): Complete the game.
Free the boat (5 points): Take over the boat in the hands of necromancers.
Find the gems (5 points): Find the gems in the temple of the Spider Goddess.
Reach the Necropolis (5 points): Reach the Necropolis.
PaoKao 5 (5 points): Kill PaoKao at the temple of the Spider Goddess.
Slanted Step (20 points): Make 5 enemies fall on a frozen ground with the 'Freeze' spell.
Executioner (15 points): Kill 10 enemies under the effects of adrenaline.
Explorer (30 points): Discover at least 42 secret places.
Blacksmith (10 points): Forge 3 different swords during your adventure.
Slaughterer (10 points): Kill 2 enemies at once while under the effects of adrenaline.
Funny Moments (20 points): Push 5 enemies into the void without be spotted by the victim.
Physics is lethal (30 points): Kill 50 enemies using these methods: fire, pick, void and physical object.
Weapon Collector (30 points): Weapon collection complete (Swords, Daggers, Staffs & Bows).
Equipment Collector (30 points): Equipment collection complete (Armors, Shields, Rings) .
Angel of Death (30 points): Kill 15 enemies before being killed in a ranked match.
Blitzkrieg (15 points): Complete a map in Blitz mode in a ranked match in less than 8 minutes.
Conqueror (10 points): Capture 3 enemy flags in the same match. Requires at least 8 players.
Conqueror of the light (30 points): Win 10 Crusades on the Human side. Requires at least 8 players.
Conqueror of the shadow (30 points): Win 10 Crusades on the Undead side. Requires at least 8 players.
Survivor (20 points): Not getting killed a single time in a ranked match, and killing at least 7 victims.
Revenge (15 points): Kill the player who has just killed you in a ranked match.
Archer (15 points): Score more than 1500 as an Archer in a ranked match.
Warrior (15 points): Score more than 1500 points as a Warrior in a ranked match.
Mage (15 points): Score more than 1500 points as a Mage in a ranked match.
Priestess (15 points): Score more than 1500 points as a Priestess in a ranked match.
Deathmatch (30 points): Score more than 3000 points in a ranked deathmatch.
Messiah of Darkness (40 points): Kill more than 666 enemies in total for ranked matches.
Challenger (40 points): Win a ranked match 20 times.
Local champion (30 points): Win 20 matches hosted by yourself. Requires at least 8 players.
Crusade (20 points): Win a Crusade. Requires at least 8 players.
Teammate (20 points): Win 10 team deathmatches. Requires at least 8 players.
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