Minigolf Adventures
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the number of Gamerscore points:
Master Groundsman (10 points): Create a hole with the editor.
Rookie Adventurer (20 points): Complete Prarie dogs, Gopher Smack and Planetoid holes in tournament.
Seasoned Swinger (20 points): Complete Traveler and Explorer course in level par or better.
Master Traveler (20 points): Complete Traveler Course in 4 under par or better.
Master Explorer (20 points): Complete Explorer Course in 5 under par or better.
Carnival Treasure Hunter (10 points): Collect all medals in Classic Carnival.
Old West Treasure Hunter (10 points): Collect all medals in Old West.
OuterSpace Treasure Hunter (10 points): Collect all medals in OuterSpace.
Open Champion (20 points): Win an online multiplayer game.
Host with the Most (20 points): Host three online games.
Ace (20 points): Make 6 holes in 1 on Traveler of Explorer Course.
Minigolf Adventurer (20 points): Complete Traveler and Explorer courses in 12 under par.
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