Complete the following achievements to unlock the indicated number of Xbox
Live Gamerscore points:
All Ghosts (10 points):
Eat all ghosts in succession after eating a Power Pellet.
Clear Round 5 (15 points):
Complete the first five rounds.
Perfect (30 points):
Eat all ghosts four times within a stage.
Clear Round 21 (40 points):
Complete round 21.
Cherry (5 points):
Eat a Cherry in round 1.
Strawberry (5 points):
Eat a Strawberry in round 2.
Orange (10 points):
Eat a Orange in round 3 or 4.
Apple (10 points):
Eat a Apple in round 5 or 6.
Melon (15 points):
Eat a Melon in round 7 or 8.
Galboss (15 points):
Eat a Galboss in round 9 or 10.
Bell (20 points):
Eat a Bell in round 11 or 12.
Key (25 points):
Eat a Key in round 13.
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