Submitted by: Dj Simo
Level codes
1 = 171052 8 = 624493
2 = 950745 9 = 583172
3 = 472149 10 = 743690
4 = 672451 11 = 103928
5 = 272578 12 = 144895
6 = 652074 13 = 775092
7 = 265648 14 = 481376
Maximum power-up
Enter 196420 as a password.
All weapons
Enter 0900 as a password.
Ninety-nine rounds of ammunition
Change the second digit of any password to "9".
Full Level 3 start
Enter 593172 as a password to begin on Level 3, Stage 1
with ninety-nine rounds for each weapon and nine of each
Goth Ultra World Anciena
Stage 1 000000 743690 672451
Stage 2 171058 103928 272578
Stage 3 950745 144895 652074
Stage 4 472149 775092 256648
Stage 5 481376 462893
Stage 6 583172