Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner
Hard Difficulty:
Beat the game once to unlock Super Zunoha Raidou mode, which is hard difficulty.
Training Hall floors:
Successfully complete the indicated episode to unlock the corresponding floor
in the Training Hall. To use the Training Hall, use the washbasin in Nameless
Episode 2: Floor 1
Episode 2: Floor 2
Episode 3: Floor 3
Episode 4: Floor 4
Episode 5: Floor 5
Episode 7: Floor 6
Episode 9: Floor 8
Episode 10: Floor 9
Episode 12: Bottom floor
Complete the Game and create a clear game save file to unlock the
following new game plus features. Your character's level will return to
Level 1.
Loyalty carries over:
New game plus reward.
Hard Mode Available:
Optional New game plus feature.
Title carries over:
New game plus reward.
Infinite normal ammunition:
A special gun clip will be added to your inventory.
Shop Rank carries over:
New game plus reward.
Confinement tanks carry over:
New game plus reward.
A new side quest becomes available:
Collect uniform pieces durring the course of a new game plus for a character.